Chapter I

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"What the hell?" Charlie groaned, throwing her hand out to clumsily reach for the blaring phone.

"Hello?" She grumbled into the phone, voice still slurred from sleep.

"Charlie?" The soft voice on the other end of the phone instantly had Charlie sitting up straight in bed.

"Bex? Why are you calling so late? Is everything okay?" She asked worriedly.

It wasn't often Charlie heard from her old friend, her best friend. Last time she had been around Elijah and Charlie had been together, considering it had been nearly 100 years, it hadn't ended well. Charlie still loved Elijah and she always would but if someone were to ask what happened between the two of them she couldn't answer, only draw a blank.

All she could remember was waking up alone in her current apartment with a letter that said not to go back to New Orleans or Mystic Falls. Every time she tried to contact Elijah he would ignore her and all letters were returned to sender. Rebekah tracked her down a few years later, upset that she never got a goodbye from her friend. After a few years Charlie stopped trying to reach Elijah. She hadn't wanted Elijah to know she couldn't remember and Charlie never asked Rebekah to tell the details. If Elijah had loved her the way she loved him he would've come for her.

"Everything is fine, love. Well sort of. I need you to go down to New Orleans and keep an eye on the boys," Her voice wasn't panicked, in fact she sounded as calm as ever.

"Why?" Charlie asked slowly, confused.

"I'm sorry I can't give you more details. This isn't something that can be discussed over the phone. Just please do this for me. I am not there to watch over them and you're the only one I trust to do so. Tell them I sent you but don't expect a warm welcoming. A lot has been going on in the last few month. You know I wouldn't ask this of you if it wasn't important," Rebekah answered, Charlie knew she was right. Rebekah was the only one that knew Charlie wasn't able to remember what happened between herself and Elijah.

"Oh, Bex, I don't know. Elijah won't be happy that I'm there, I know he won't," Charlie bit her bottom lip. It would hurt to see him after all this time but she'd be lying if she said she didn't want to see him, even if it did hurt.

"Charlie please, do this for me. I'm worried about them with me not there. I have something important that has to be done," She begged, a slight undertone of desperation in her voice.

"Okay, fine. Just- what do I do if they ask me to leave?" Charlie asked with a sigh.

"Be your typical, stubborn, bad-ass self and don't take no for an answer. In a way their grieving, they'll try to push you away. But listen I've got to go now. I love you and I hope I'll see you soon."

"But, wait-" Charlie sighed as the dial tone sounded through the speaker.

Charlie pulled the phone away from her ear checking the time, 4:15am, great. No point in going back to bed. Rebekah hadn't given a specific day to be there but it seemed urgent. Walking over to the small fridge in her room she pulled open the door and took out one of the blood bags. Charlie popped open one of the ports, completely emptying the bag and throwing it in the trash. 

"Geez, Bex could've at least waited until the sun was up," Charlie mumbled walking over to her closet, pulling out one of her suitcases and tossed it on the bed.

It didn't take long to pack the things she really needed. Only the important stuff. Charlie loaded everything into her car and after compelling her landlord to keep away from the apartment she left. The place would stay paid for but a small part of her hoped she wouldn't need to come back, that by some chance Elijah would want her to stay. Shaking that thought from her head she started heading out of New York. 

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