Chapter 4- There's Always a Story

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Ally kept her eyes ahead as she heard the muffle of Dinah's voice blend in to the background. She was lost deep in thought about Camila. Why was she staring at her so much? And did she really care about how she felt when Kolin said that to her? She shook her head and turned to face Dinah. "Hey sorry to interupt you," she began "But what's the story behind that Camila girl?" "Wanna be a little more specific honey?" Dinah laughed lightly. "Well, what's her story? Ya know? Like what's she like? Is she nice?" Dinah looked around, clearly trying to select her words carefully. "Well, she's been through a lot that's for sure. She hasn't lived here her whole life, so she started out like you. She was just so pure and innocent. She literally wouldn't hurt a fly. And for some reason, I feel like she really hasn't changed at all. She kind of got in with the wrong crowd, not like the druggies, but the mean girls. They tore her down everyday, saying she was ugly and fat and no one loved her. So sure enough she went into a depression. She was in a rehab center for six months and finally came back to school; she came back at the beginning of grade eight. She was never fat, but when she came back, she was a twig. She lost so much weight and was really quiet. She finally got in with the right crowd. In fact, she's one of my best friends if you could believe that! She's so nice I promise you she will never be mean to you unless you give her a reason. It'll just take her a while to open up to you, that's all." Ally looked around almost feeling guilty for asking. Dinah could see right through her and gently touched her arm. "Hey, Ally, it's no problem that you asked. It's not as if you were judging her or anything, you don't even know her! Stop worrying girl! LIghten up!" Dinah smiled a gentle smile and went back to her story. The rest of the day seemed to be a blur and before she knew it, Ally had to walk home. Luckily, on her way out she didn't have to pass by Camila and Kolin again because they had left an hour or so earlier. As she finished combing out her wet hair, she put the hot pink brush back in her beach bag and began making her way home. Ally checked her phone quickly to make sure her mom wasn't still texting her telling her to "get her ass home before the chicken got too dry." Of course her phone died because she had the worst phone on the planet. Ally had had her maroon colored Envy 3 since the eighth grade and her mom refused to buy her an iPhone. Ally began her mile walk home, but tread slowly because she wasn't in any hurry to have chicken for the third day in a row. At least her iPod nano was still working. She plugged in her headphones and turned up "Impossible" by Shontelle. Ally always got lost in thought when she heard this song. She walked up the large hill toward her home. She slowly veered left onto the street where she first met Kolin, that June evening. She thought back to that day and felt her heart slowly begin to break again. She shifted her eyes around the ground, and slowly lifted them up looking straight ahead. And there he was, standing right in front of her. 

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!! I hope you guys are liking the story so far and i'm so close to 100 reads! Thank you so much for keeping up with the story and don't forget to let me know how you like it! I will be posting the next chapter really soon! :) 

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