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Alex Ryan sat across from Bailey Hall, the two had been getting along quite well recently, so they decided to go out for dinner. "okay, here's a real question. Mine or Nick's ute?" Alex questioned. "Boys and their toys," Bailey commented, giving a laugh. "But, I'd have to say Nick's always been a sucker for a good red commodore." Bailey replied. Alex faked an offended look, Bailey giving a bright laugh. "You know, you really don't look like the bronc rider type." Alex said, tilting his head slightly. "Mm, what because I'm a girl?" Bailey replied. Alex laughed, "that's what I like about you, you always bite back." Alex said, in between his laughs of the fact he was right. Bailey looked up when she heard the pub door open, seeing none other than Nick Ryan. Nick's eyes landed on their table as well, before he kept walking over to where he was headed, which seemed to be at a table with the farmers council. Bailey then turned her attention back to Alex, "you done now?" She commented, being cheeky. Alex nodded, leaning forward to whisper in her ear, "what do you say we get out of here?" Alex questioned, in a low tone. Bailey gave a slight nod, as Alex and her headed to his car. He then drove to Killarney- saying that his mum and dad were away at the moment.

In the morning, Bailey rolled over, seeing Alex still sound asleep, she smirked, trying to slip out from under his arms, only to be pulled back into his chest. Eventually, she did get out of his arms, and headed to the bathroom, where she showered and chucked on the clothes from last night. She then brushed her hair. Once she left the bathroom, she saw Alex still asleep, she walked over, "Alex, time to get up sleepy head." Bailey said, his eyes then flickering open. Once satisfied he was awake, Bailey said goodbye before heading out and grabbing the Alex's motorbike, she turned it on and started heading to Drovers- hoping she was going the correct way.

Once she arrived back at the farm, everyone was asking for the details, especially considering she had came back on his bike, she put his bike under the shed before heading the cottage, where she got changed into some fresh clothes and headed outside. "I'll check the fences today." She offered, saddling up Jaguar and heading out. 

Bailey and Jodi walked side by side, "I heard Stevie might be moving into the main house," Jodi stated. "Oh really? Huh. At least I'll have a lot of room." Bailey commented with a shrug. "Hey, we can have parties whenever and they can't say a thing about it." Jodi replied, in an excited tone. "Sometimes I wonder what's going on in your head Jodi," Bailey joked. She then spotted a large chestnut brumby, "hey be quiet," Bailey told Jodi, as she pulled the rope from her saddle, heading towards the brumby in a canter, once she reached the horse, she swung the rope and caught him. Bailey managed to halter the horse, "you mind taking him back? I better go tell Nick that a brumby has been on the loose." Bailey suggested, Jodi nodded. Bailey managed to fix the fence on Drovers side enough so the sheep wouldn't get through before heading to Wilgul. Seemed like a bad time though, because Harry Ryan was loading all of Nick's stuff up onto trailers. Nick spotted Bailey, walking over, "Hey, I was just going to let you know you've got a few fences down because of a brumby but you seem busy, I can fix them for you?" Bailey offered as she hopped off. Nick seemed upset. "Are you alright?" Bailey commented, giving him a worried look. Nick gave a nod, "give me a second, I'll come help." Nick replied, grabbing his motorbike before following her out.

"Guess I better go catch that brumby later, aye?" Nick suggested as they fixed the fence. "No need, already beat you to it." Bailey replied with a smile. Nick smirked, "Drovers must be happy having you around." Nick said, giving a smile. "Ah yeah, I guess." Bailey responded with a shrug as they continued to mend the fences.

After a long day of helping Nick and then headed back to Drovers to finish some work. She then headed into the main house for dinner, Jodi looked up as the girl sat down. "So, how was Wilgul?" Jodi questioned, Tess' head then perking up. "Oh, it was fine. I ended up helping Nick with some extra fences as well." Bailey explained. Tess then looked back at her food, "Ah, I've got to head to Wilgul tomorrow- organics business." Tess explained. Stevie nodded.

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