First day

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Y/n PoV
I woke up and so did Savannah. She slept at my house tonight. We both got ready and we eat breakfast. We went to her house because of dance  practice. We practice for a few hours and we did some challenges. After that we had a chill time. I was scrolling in instagram and I got a notification and I saw that I was tagged in a post. I clicked it and I see that it was Ms. Abby. It was a video I wonder what could it be. I watched the video and it is about the members of the new aldc team. It went through a few photos and then I say photo and after mine was Savannah's. I screamed.

S- you OK?

I showed her the video and she also screamed. I saw that our mom's have been recording us all along

Y- mom why you do that
Ym- sorry but I need your reaction
S- you too mom?
E- yeah
S- are you going to be able to handle this?
E- we all know that it's your dream
Y- yeah our dream that came true
Ym- we also know that
S- where. are we going there?
E- next week
S- okay now I'm excited


Next week
Savannah PoV
okay it's the day that it's our first day of dancing in the aldc. I get ready and when I did I eat breakfast. When me and my mom's are done then we head to the car and went to the aldc. I heard that Y/n was already there. When we got there. We went inside and I saw Y/n

S- hey this is actually happening
Y- I know my mom has been punching me you know to know if it's true
S- yeah, let's go to the dancer den

we got in and we met a the dancers

Y- hey
?- hey I'm Pressly
S- I'm Savannah
?- I'm Lily
Y- I'm Y/n
?- Im GiaNina
S- it's nice to meet all of you
G- aren't you guys the ones who knows all the terminology?
Y- yeah
P- how do you guys know all of that
Y- well we practiced and studied them and we really like to stay focused
S- we also like to make challenges make make sure that we actually know them
P- can we go to your place and can we do it with you
L- yeah you guys were awesome, I have never seen anyone do that many turns and know that much terminology
Y- you guys can always come but our moms have to agree
G- yeah and know you brought that up I am just waiting to know what kind of drama that they are going to make
S- I know I'm just imagining it and I'm worried

two girls went in

?- hey I'm Hannah
?- and I'm Sarah
P- Pressley
Y- Y/n
S- Savannah
G- GiaNina
H- its good to meet you guys
Sa- yeah we actually made it
H- you guys are so good with your turns the terminology
L- thanks, I'm not as good as them though
Sa- how do you do it
S- we say focused and we so challenges
Y- do you guys wanna come some time to do if with us
G- yeah me and Pressley are going
H- yeah of course
Sa- we just need to ask our parents
S- yeah that's all we need to do but I'm not sure if we can today

two boys come in

?- hey I'm Max
?- and I'm Brady
P- nice to meet you
M- yeah it's been awhile since the audition
S- yeah it is
Y- we all made it though
G- that is what I'm proud of
Br- yeah it's been our whole life trying to get in the aldc and we did it
M- im still figuring things out
Y- you okay?
M- yeah it's just how do you do those terminology
S- everyone is asking that
Y-  your not the first
P- they are right
Br- yeah your guys are amazing
Y- it's nothing just making sure the time that we need to practice we practice there is always the for our phones later
L- I should remember that
G- yeah me too
H- I think all of us should, not all people got in them team like us
Sa- yeah we should prove to Ms. Abby that she picked the right people to be on the team

we talked until its time to go in. We meet Ms.  Abby. She told us how the pyramid works while Gianna took our head shots. She told Lily to give her,  her jacket and so she did. there were two trios and a the group dance. I am in one. Gianina was the lead and I'm sad that Y/n was not in one but I talked to her and she said that it's fine. We are making covers of famous songs when we have time. Only some people knows this but not alot. She is making also making some songs but it's for secret. I make some to but again for secret. I have to go and make this duet good

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