Auditions part 2

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Savannah PoV
everyone called even Ms. Abby. I was overjoyed but I have been watching Dance Moms when I was little and I know that Ms. Abby can always change her mind when she finds a new favorite or a new student. The next group went next to do their turns. They did not good and Ms. Abby didn't even clap and I think that because they were so bad she didn't even get to smile. She told them the corrections and she said that they are not yet that good for the team or it was to soon and some because they had loads of corrections. They were told that they could go and it was nice on getting to see them dance. The next group was next and some was bad and she excused them in the middle of their turning. Some were food but they didn't reached 30 like me and Y/n did. After that Ms. Abby clapped but she only smiled a little bit. I think because there was a boy in that team. He was amazing and I can tell you that he is tall. The other boys were excused earlier.

A- okay I saw your turns and I have a pretty good feeling that some that I have kept an eye on will maybe be on the team but this final challenge, lets see if you can do it

we all look nervous but me and Y/n try to hide it. We were told to get a drink and we did. I was wondering what could the next challenge be.

S- what could the next challenge be?
Y- maybe terminology
S- you're right and we have been practicing and studying that.
Y- yeah and not all do, I'm hoping that what Ms. Abby will tell me, I can do so I will have a chance
S- Same here, we should go in
Y- yeah

we go in the room again and we were the first ones here because the others are still having a drink of water and some are panicking.

A- I see that you are the only girls that go for a quick water break
Y- it's just that we like do practice all the time and that when we take a drink of water we make it count
S- the time is sometimes only little so we make it count every second and we won't spend it on our phones and get detracted because there is always time for that
A- I like that you are doing that, dancers always do that and I don't know why the others are not here yet, well let's start with you two then
Y- okay what is the third challenge?
A- I wanna see if you know you terminology
S- okay
A- okay Savannah let's start with you

she told me the terminology and I of course did it and make sure that it us correct. I have studied if with Y/n and we almost know all of them now.

A- correct now Y/n

she told Y/n and she did it and of course it's perfect.

A- u see that you have been practicing do you know other ones or did you just got lucky?
Y- we have been actually have been practicing for a long time now
S- yeah, we know each other since we were little and we questioned each other do challenges that our moms make. We go to my house and practice
A- I see show me some more, name and show me it while the others are still not here. We will go from Y/n then Savannah then Y/n then Savannah when you have done three terminology then you can tell me and then you don't have to do it later unless if I want you guys to do it in front of everyone
S, Y- okay

we of course do it and we do different terminology. We did our best and did three of them. We put a smile in our face because we get to do this and we used our time for dancing and I feel like all that has paid of. When we did it and we have finished

A- well done, you both will be in the competition team if I think that there is only a few that can go in, I  see two dancer that tried their best and learned all of this for their future. I want you guys to stay here and just stand their and when nobody knows it then you guys are in the team
S- thank you Ms. Abby
Y- yeah thank you
A- You guys earned it, okay Gianna get the kids in here they have taken to long in there and for you two stand over here. How many terminology do you know?
Y- almost all of them now
S- yeah I think like about five to seven that we don't know
Y- yeah about that
A- you guys are good learners
Y- thank you

Gianna called the other dancers and their mothers. Our moms didn't notice that we went in and they just walked in now. all the other kids went in as well.

A- how long do you guys have a water break that was ten minutes, These girls over here went in after like three minutes

she said referring to me and Y/n. My mom and Y/n mom smiled when they heard that.

A- the mom's of them can sit now in those chairs while the others will stand

our mom's sit down in the chairs that Ms. Abby told them to.

A- okay next challenge I want yo see how good you guys are in terminology. Lily, Elliana, and Meisi already knows this, but do you know all of them?

they shake their heads no

A- how much do you guys know?
L- I know loads 

The other two girls did the same and told how much the know

A- okay so you three and Savannah and Y/n will be not doing this challenge

one mom ask why are me and Y/n not doing this challenge

A- well while you guys were in the other room ten minutes ago they were here already doing in and I have seen good things while all of you are not here, so I wanna see if you are as good as these five kids. Let's start with a boy Brady show me scissors

he doesn't know it and Ms. Abby ask Y/n to do it. of course it was perfect and Ms. Abby clapped. She asked the others and they don't know as well and the only ones who know is just us five. Ms. Abby has been asking us to show the terminology and we did it all perfectly. Now the others know what they looks like

A- okay, just saying I might be taking Savannah and Y/n and I might be only taking one out of the ones who already have been on the team but I need 9 and but the ones I already have in mind I don't know. So I want to make people step forward in five minutes so me and Gianna can talk.

me and Savannah went to our mom's and they of course were happy because Ms. Abby told them good stuff and we have been good kids. She also said that we might be on the team so I pretty excited. five minutes in done and now all of us are in a line

A- okay so I have decided that I would keep 3 from the five and I would pick six more 2 boys and four girls. So I want some kids to step forward

So some people were stepped forward. A kid name Sarah was ask to step forward but she was told to step backwards. When Ms. Abby is done then she told them that they weren't for then the team and the left.

A- play congrats to all of you but I need nine and you guys are 15 so I need to decide but I'm not going to decide tonight. I will be making an instagram post and if your in it then I'll see you all at Pittsburgh.

we were so excited but still nervous and still hoping that we are on the team. We go home and we sleep.I sleepover at Y/n house

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