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Your PoV
Today is the day that me and Savannah is going to audition for the aldc. We have been practicing for a while now and we have been wanting to be a part of the aldc. Hopefully we both got in because it has been our dreams. I got ready and when we got to the audition I saw Savannah. I went up to her.

Y- hey Savannah what's up?
S- nothing much just excited and nervous
Y- I am too, let's start stretching
S- good idea

we started stretching

Y- its weird you know that we don't know anyone
S- yeah but if we do get in the team then we probably have more friends you know
Y- yeah, I wonder if there will be ang boys in this new team because Ms. Abby always say that the judges always want to keep the boys dancing and that's why they win
S- that's true, if she would really want to win but I feel like that the boy would always ve the favorite
Y- yeah that is true and I feel Luke that there will be drama with the moms you know, I feel like that is not in our hands to stop and I think that there will always be a favorite and there will always be drama
S- yeah I think you're right, we have practice the choreography a few times and we have oractice our turns, leaps, and terminology for this so hopefully just hopefully I literally shaking right now just wishing that we will get in
Y- yeah me too

Gianna just walked in the room, she gave us our numbers. I was number 27 and Savannah was 28. Then we were let in the room where Abby is. She told us to do the choreography and Gianna turned on the music. We dance the choreography that we have practiced, me and Savannah did our greatest and make sure that there were no corrections. Some people were already taken out because of this. after there still alot left and so we did some split , leaps, and turns.

A- ok everyone do a right split

we did our right split

A- ok number 21, 34, 30, 18, and 10 I am sorry but that is not a right split number 9 you're not even touching the ground so you are excused as well

a few people were also excused and now we did left split and a few more people can't do it so now there are a less then before but me and Savannah are both still here. Maybe we have a shot?.

A- next I want to see your leaps

we did the leaps that we were told and some people that she thinks that is not good for the team she made them leave nicely. There are still some in the room probably like 30 still?. I don't know.

A- next turns, so I am going to separate you all into three groups and I want to see how focused you are that you could do loads of turns.

Me and Savannah are on the same group which is good. We have done this before and hopefully we won't mess up and be amazing and stay focus. We were first so we start turning on second and I stayed focus and so did Savannah. The others didn't though and they were excused and soon me and Savannah were the only one left. we hit our 30 count.

A- okay bow end it with a bang

we did and everyone closed their hands this may be our time that we are going to be on the team

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