part of the dark and the three tails

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I will make sure that this is not three days chapter I will be motivated, either way this chapter is gonna be about narutos fight with himself, and meating and training with rin wood style is a combo of suiton and doton (water and earth)

apology at the bottem

author P.O.V.--------------------------------------

it's been three days since the start of the week before the chunin exams and naruto has spent the whole of yesterday in his mindscape fighting himself literally, and is still doing it now

naruto's mindscape training ground---

right now we see naruto having a taijutsu battle with a clone of him just this one has red irises and the whites of his eyes are black, naruto and kurami have named him daruto, catching darutos kick naruto counters with a punch to darutos gut sending him back lunging forward naruto aims another lunch this time to the head, blocking daruto counters with a punch that connects to naru's gut then chaining that with a kick to his side which connects going for a hook to the temple blocking naru counters with a an uppercut that connects then connecting that with a series of punches to his gut then backing off to draw and charge his blade with ice chakra allowing for daru to draw his blade and charge it with fire chakra both dropping into the basic demon stance, daru lunging forward with an overhead slash, katana still charged with fire chakra, naru blocking the blade only to slide it off of the sword, the blade not melting thanks to the ice chakra, then moving to counter with an upper slash blocked by a lower guard by daru, only for daru to attack with a mid section slash naru dodging but still getting a little nick on his stomach, then to get a cut in the right arm a little below naru's shoulder, naru backing off, slamming his sword into the ground, daru following suit with his own jutsu "ice style: glacier jutsu" naru calls as a giant glacier appears and starts falling on daru who calls "fire style: forest bonfire jutsu" as a gigantic fire envelopes the glacier "water style: tsunami jutsu" calls naru as the water from the melted glacier into a tidal wave consuming the fire and dousing it, then consuming daru in the waters "earth style: mud wall jutsu" calls daru as four giant mud walls rise from the ground and block off the water leaking what they caught inside, out of the walls giving daru some room to breath then continuing with "ice style: ice wave" gathering the water from the tsunami daru move the water in front of naru to try and capture him then freezing in place, succeeding only to give naru channel fire chakra throughout his sword and his body weakening it to the point that naruto was able to break the ice and lunge for daru after enhancing his blade with wind chakra to cut through the mud walls and get to daru and land a nasty cut on him shocking and stopping him from doing much "good I got you to stop for a minute, so just listen to what I have to say, then we can go back to trying to kill each other, okay?" asked naruto as daruto nodded his head "okay from what i've learned about you, you are the literal incarnation of my hate, anger, rage, envy, basically everything negative that I have stored away in heart, correct" again daruto nods a yes "so we have the same goal just different parts of one personality, so instead of trying to kill each other so one of use can be in control, why not just merge together then we can both be in control and we can have full, power and control, so what do you say I kill you or we become one," finished naruto leaving daruto with a thinking face and saying in a darker tone than naruto "I guess I don't have that much of a choice, now do I" "nope not really but I suggest you take the second option" replies naruto sticking out his hand in a shaking gesture "fine I assimilate with you but let it be known when you fall I will take over and if those that I want our revenge on are there then after the threats neutralized I will get our revenge" said daruto as he takes naruto's hand and disappears into a bunch of black dust that climbed up his arm then flattened against his skin then the dust disappeared when it did naruto felt whole, ballensed, finally in tune with his emotions (basically he is no longer the dense fool he was when it came to emotions, you can't figure out someone else's emotions if you don't know your own) walking out of the training ground and to the bed room to see his mate/lover/tennant sleeping on the bed with a little blond fox with a red tipped tail hugged tightly against her chest naruto decided to just lay down and sleep next to her on the bed,

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