first day of my new life

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again I own nothing in this story hope you enjoy it

the pic up there is for any that have seen some but not all of it i just hate it when people do that cut down a pic so only a part of it is showing don't you

and when its just naruto and kurami talking im not going to put he said or she said but when theres others then yes they're going to be listed

author's P.O.V

"kurami are you there" naruto said half expecting her not to be "yes kit, i'm right here and think when you want to talk to me" she replied this time in a more feminine voice.

'hey why does you voice sound so deep if your a girl', was the question from the blonde boy, that kinda offended the giant fox woman.

"you try being fifty stories tall and see if your voice isn't deep to some one your size" was her reply. 'sorry, but when do we start training' the boy asked a little too blunt fir the womans taste.

"tonight, when you get to your house, we will work on chakra theory, politics, history and anything pertaining to muscle memory, along with emotional control,and learning how to control my chakra"

'wait, didn't the hokage seal your chakra in my siblings.'

"he did but with time, unlike with your siblings, i can regenerate my chakra, like how with some of my chakra would leak out of your mother when she was my jinchuriki, i can draw on your chakra and replenish some of my own enough years of that and i hace my chakra back especially with your reserves".

'oh, okay, well talk soon,' thought naruto as he finaly stood up and started walking home as it was nearing midnight.

'This night is probablythe wierdest of my life, first, i land a jinchuriki that doesnt want to use me, second, this kids first instinct was to comfort me even after all the shit thats happened to him, and finally he actually, wants to be my freind even after all the shit thats happened to him.' Cue a snort, "yeah just what the fuck have i gotten my self into." Was what the fox thought and said to herself with amusement as she sat against the wall of her cage, her left hand's fingers running through her hair.

time skip uzukaze house-------------------

Naruto having already healed from the beatting walked inside his house, luckly for him, naruko, menma, and his parents were already asleep, so he just quietly walked all the way up stairs and into his room, just to ly down on the mattress and close his eyes.

Naruto's mindscape Naruto P.O.V.--

I arrived in the sewer I have as a mindscape I didnt feel the pull that I did the first time I was here, I turn around found that I was back in front of the cage that holds my new friend and sensei "hello naruto, if you'd please ril off about half of the seal for me then we can begin your training" said a very soft and feminine voice "wow" was the only thing I could say when I saw my sensei/friend in her human form a soft plump heart shape face adorned with blood red eyes with slitted pupils and dark scarlet hair and two cute fox ears on top of her head, large bust, and a pump butt with ;no sag whatsoever, wearing a red kimono with black and white foxes running up it and blue flames on the bottom and black anbu pants "wow, your pretty" was all I could get out then realized what I said and immediately went red and tried to hide my face in embarrassment "well I'm flattered but your a bit too young for my liking,-" at this he went even redder "now let's get to training can't have myself a weak jinchuriki now can we" she said in a matter of factly tone "now rip off that seal and let's start with your writing" she stated "why are we starting with my handwriting" I asked her "because your an uzumaki and a namikaze both seal masters and to make a seal you have to have perfect penmanship" she replied "cool I'm gonna learn fuuinjutsu" at that kurami giggled 'kami her giggles are cute' "yes now to training," and we spent the rest of the night teaching me how to read and right

time skip morning authors P.O.V.--------

It's a few hours before dawn and naruto was just waking up from a nights training with kurami and is waking up he gets dressed in a black shirt with the uzumaki swirl on it, black anbu pants and blue Shinobi sandals. he walks down stairs without making a sound so he can get out of there without getting beat 'okay kurami I got out of the house where do I go now' "go to training ground seven when you get there we'll start your training" 'okay' and little naruto runs there so he can avoid the villagers. "now one set is 50 push ups 50 squats 50 sit ups and a 5mile run and your doing five sets now get to it and after this is unlocking your chakra" 'yes kurami-sensei' and little naru got to work it by the time he was finished it was mid day already and was dead tired "common kit, we're gonna unlock your chakra now, now get into the meditation position." at this naruto's exhaustion disappeared 'okay there now what' "now, focus your attention to your stomach when your feel something light and warm try to reach out to it and pull as hard as you can" 'okay kurami-sensei' and naruto did just that although it took a minute for him to find it but when he did he pulled as hard as he could and when he opened his eyes he saw a blue almost black colored substance floating around him then it exploded outward but it still knocked him unconscious.

time skip three hours later-----------------

naruto woke up feeling slight pain all over his body 'kurami-sensei why does my body hurt all over' "it's your chakra pathways forming it should take a week or so, so for now we are gonna continue physical training until they completely form" 'yes kurami-sensei' and that's what the he did for the week whenever kurami thought the training was getting too easy for him she bumped it up by the time his pathways were fully formed but at night he'd have to go home and on the way back he'd always get spotted by the villagers and beat then at home when his 'parent' found out he was out late they'd slap him, not give him any dinner, and send him to bed where he'd spend the night in his mind with his friend and sensei teaching him all she knew on hand signs, fuuin, tai, and kenjutsu along with the academics and politics.

time skip one week later training ground seven-------------------------------------

"Now naruto senses your pathways are done im gonna teach you a basic jutsu henge this jutsu allows the user to change their physical appearance. basically a disguise"
'okay so how do I do it' "first make (i dont know the hand signs for hendge) , then picture what you want to look like then channel chakra to your hands and say the name of the jutsu" and so he did and he transformed into the third hokage, his jiji, the image was a little short and his nose was too big all in all it was off "okay it's a start, so we need to work on your mental imaging but for now continue trying to henge into your jiji once you master that henge into a generic boy and get some kunai" 'yes ma'am' and for an hour he tried and tried again until got it perfect with kurami helping him, tell him his mistakes every once and awhile. when he got it perfect five times over to make sure he mastered it. He went to the shinobi store, one of the only places that don't immediately kick him out or attack him. He bought 100 kunai and 200 shuriken and returned to training ground seven at this time it was about mid afternoon and one of the three logs for throwing practice and just continued on like that for the rest of the day.


unholy hell, 1344 thats alot of words but any way thats the last for now im do like two or three chapters at once like this again gope you all like it please comment vote and correct any of my mistakes

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