chunin exams, and other jinchuriki

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I got my phone back and did some corrections to the last chapters, hope you enjoy

Author's P.O.V.------------------------------------

It's been three months sense the mission to wave team seven returned a week after team eleven Naruto's sister actually is trying to make amends for how she treated him, Naruto has proven his theory,and haku has taught him some ice manipulation techniques, Naruto has also taught his sister how to do ice manipulation too sense she has water and wind too, when naruko tried to tell her parents about the truth they didn't believe her and Naruto stopped her from showing them the prof saying that 'if they really cared about him even in the smallest way then they would of at least taken your words into consideration but they didn't so don't waste your breath' after that he agreed to start training her and eventually even told we about him and kurami and his plan to remove the chakra from them and they even agreed that when the time comes he could pull the chakra from here just not in a way that would cripple her Hinata and shikamaru learned more nin and genjutsu, they also learned more clan techniques, hell Hinata made some more (same from cannon) and with the help from Naruto added affinities to some of the techniques like fire or water to the rotation, lightning to the 64palms, and air to the defensive 64 palms over all the whole team has grown Naruto even learned something from naruko rasengan, and kurami taught him to use bijuu bomb made sign the fox summoning contract and he's gotten to know the fox clan turns out that unlike most summons the summoning contracts of bijuus have a boss summon but then the bijuu summon which is a step above boss summon and Naruto can use up to five tails without loosing to his darkness, which he still needs to deal with, (you guys all know that suppressed anger hate resentment and all negative feelings that's what he still has to deal with but on a whole nother level because of what he's been through, and he has to fight the incarcerated version of that in him he's lost a few times but kumaris saved him every time he did) right now team eleven are waiting on kurenai to show up so they can start training or missions "weird kurenai-sensei isn't normally late so what's taking her so long," questioned the jinchuriki of the team right then kurenai shunshined right in front of them "okay today we will be doing nothing, I've nominated all of you for the chunin exams, whether or not you go is up to you, but for the next week we will not be doing team training, or missions just so you know there will be other teams coming here," takes out three forms "fill these out and bring them to the third floor of the academy in one week before three p.m. and you'll be in the chunin exams, dismissed" finished the red eyed genjutsu mistress as each of the genin took a form, she walked away leaving the genin to their own devices "so just to be clear we are all doing this right," said the red tipped blond to which the other two just nodded a yes "okay, use the first half of this week to get the slip filled and training the second half recovery that if you need help, from either of the other two members of the team in this don't think twice about asking just do it, but we are gonna train alone because the final part is all one on one battles so see you in a week" and with that the three of them separated and went there own ways 'hey mate do you sense that chakra too,' "yes the jinchuriki of the ichibi no shukaku is here follow that chakra signature, one thing we gotta do is save that kid," 'on it from what you told me shikaku lives in suna and the jinchuriki can't sleep if the seals not tight enough' "right, and if the kid goes through any trama shikaku will take it as a chance to influence the kid into insanity and craving blood," 'so, fix the seal' "fix the seal" it was then that Naruto got to the center of the Yuki it was a redhead that has the kanji for love tattooed on his forehead with a huge gord on his back he was hanging upside down on a tree by some sand on his feet, kurami told naruto that his name was gaara, there was a man in a catsuit and a woman with a giant fan on her back the cat suit man, had konohamaru lifted by his shirt and talking about showing the kid some manners, team 10 was there also Sakura and kiba on the ground near the whole thing and duck ass (you know who it is) sitting in a tree Naruto decided to wait and see what happens eventually gaara noticed Naruto but did nothing it was then that Sasuke hit the guy in the hand with the rock he had, then he started saying some crap about supier Uchiha and war between villages over the thirds grandson that's when gaara decided that he had enough and took his siblings and left when they were out of sight of team 10 Naruto shunshin in front of them and said "gaara, my name's Naruto uzu...maki, Naruto uzumaki, I'm the jinchuriki of the kyuubi no kitsune and I wanted to know if I could fix you seal" "my names gaara of the sand, and mothers telling me not to listen to you, and not to kill you, why is that" he stated/asked the red tipped blond jinchuriki "mother as you call shukaku, doesn't want you to kill me because I could kick your ass, and doesn't want you to listen to me because I could make it so that mother has no control over over you and you can sleep again, no worries" Naruto replied to the redhead jinchuriki "so what I'll it be insanity, insomnia, and the fear of the ones that want to help you, or sleep, sanity, and a chance at the acception of your village, now which will it be and don't go sprouting some crap about living, loving, needing, only yourself I ain't buying it" Naruto finished and to say gaara was shocked was an understatement but eventually he gave a nod of agreement "good choice, now show me your seal" the nine tails jinchuuriki said as gaara followed his command and lifted his shirt showing his seal on his gut "okay this is gonna hurt just warning you now, uzumaki style: bijuu seal correction jutsu" said Naruto as a swirl appeared on his hand he slammed his palm into his gut and as the swirl disappeared the seal on garaa changed making the corrections and a few slight changes the strain knocked the kid out luckily Naruto caught him "hey you two, your his siblings right," they nodded their head yes "good shukaku can't mess with his head now so he's safe to go near and, let him sleep for the rest of the week he needs it," said Naruto as he handed garaa to the girl with the fan who said "thank you, now maybe we can start to be the family we were supposed to be for him" said terimari as they left for the place where they sleep, Naruto went to his home to grab somethings 'mission accomplished mate shukaku's jinchuuriki has been stabilized and I put a locator in his seal so we can find him if need be' "Yes we can but for now it's just a precaution now I was thinking I think you have enough for a sword let's head to tenten's family shop you remember it's the same place where you normally get your ninja weapons" 'okay let's go, but what type of sword should I get' "well I say get a katana but one that can chanal chakra through it," 'okay, let's first let's stop at the bank to pick up a larger amount of money then what I have on me now'

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