Part 5 ( Why )

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How could they. Both of the people i was the closest with, Are liars.
"Why" i say in a raspy voice and they shock and Brooklyn gets of Cole.
"How could you guys" i say in a crying voice.
"I told you that i needed help, and you didn't do anything about it so i went to look for somebody else"
"Brooklyn was the only one that said yes" he says.
"Brooklyn? Why?" I am so hurt.
"I'm sorry Liv-"
"Never mind, go fuck yourself's" i cut her off and slam the door shut.
I lean up against the door and slowly slide down against it.
The pain in my heart is intense.
They lied. Trust is the biggest part in a relationship and a friendship. Guess i just lost them both.

I cry and cry more. I need a hug from someone that cares about me. Just couldn't think of anyone yet.
I hear someone coming up the stairs. I quickly wipe my tears off and i see a blond boy.
"Livia!" It's Corbyn.
"Here you are! I was looking for yo-" he looks me in the eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
I shake my head and burst down in tears again.
"Do you want to explain it to me?" He asked being worried. He lays his hand on my cheek and looks at me.
"C Cole and Brooklyn, t they just- I ran into them having sex, they are liars." I cry out.
I see Corbyn getting mad and he forms one hand into a fist.
"Are they in this room Liv?" He asked and i nod.
"Motherfuckers" he says. He stood up and kicked the door open.
He walked in mad and the two liars stoped fucking for a second.
"What the actual fuck" Corbyn yells at the two naked figures on the bed.
"Corbyn-" Cole starts.
"Shut the hell up" he shuts him up.
"You two first act like you care about Livia, than you go fuck at a party? How long have you guys been doing that" Corbyn asked.
"For about two months now" I gasp loudly, my heart drops.
They both have been lying to me for two months.
"WHAT" Corbyn screams at them.
"I know, it is bad" Brooklyn says
"Bad? It is lying. You both just lost the trust key to Liv" he says.
I smile to myself, why is he so good for me.
I feel tears coming again.
"Now go on with ur amazing fuck work, we are leaving" Corbyn says. I was still sitting in the doorway. Crying.
Corbyn picks me up and we get downstairs.
We get out of the house and Corbyn takes me to his house.....

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