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Hey ghosties!!!
I decided to start a horse shifter story.
Inspired by my new adorable love bug Jokerz wild, he is shown above on mobile, or on the side bar with the computer.
Anyway I hope you enjoy!!!

"Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds."
---Robert Oppenheimer

They are all dead...
My family...
My herd...
My sister...
My soul...

It was just a normal day. I was 7 at the time. And yet I was the only one who surrvived. I had just shifted for the first time. I had shifted into a dapple grey Arabian foal. The pain had been unbearable. But it was nothing to what happened next. For it was the distruction of the last horse shifter herd.

I didn't notice that something was wrong until my herd shifted and circled me with their backs to me. My father was the alpha in wolf terms but to us he was the lead stallion. He stepped forewards and neighed a warning. I had just barley caught sight of something.

'Werewolves.' My horse had just woken up apparentaly. 'Hello my name is Encore.' I said hi back. 'Ok we need to play dead when the fighing breaks out, May I take over?' I gave her permission.

As she had said a wolf jumped at my father, and Encore took over. She pretended to be hurt when everything broke up and we were 'dead.' The slaughter went on for a while,  my families screams cut through the air like a knife cutting through warm butter. A couple of wolves walked past me to make sure we all were dead. One of them looked at me with cold, unforgiving eyes. He was a big wolf. As big as my father, he was a dark brown wolf with one black paw.

"She had just shifted. I can smell it on her." The other wolf was almost brought to tears at the sight of me, He was a grey wolf that wasn't as quite as tall as the other one. Encore must be a good actor.

"Correct beta Alan, leave the body to decompose on its own. We have finally done it! We have wiped out the horse shifters!" He spat out horse shifters as if it was poison in his mouth. "Yes alpha Jackson we have." His voice slightly cracked.

Once they had left I got up and looked around. There was blood everywhere my father, mother and sister were torn so much that I could barley recongnise them. I ran, I didn't know what to do so I ran.

I haven't spoken since that terrible day. I still can speak but I don't want to. I guess I think that if I say something people can figure me out. And that is not good.

Werewolves will pay for what they have done. None are innocent. Not one.

That was 13 years ago.

And 12 years since I found out that my heart is made of ice.

Heart of Ice 《DISCONTINUED》Where stories live. Discover now