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                      Trisha's POV

"Trisha! Trisha! Wake up or you are gonna be late for your first day at high school", my mom shouted from downstairs.

"I am up mom. I am up", I replied.

So, that was my mom waking me up for my first day at the high school where, to be honest, I didn't wanna go. Reason? Simple, it's the same school my sister studied, oh not studied, had been studying since the first grade and she and I didn't usually see eye to eye.

Oh! Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. Silly me.

Hi! I am Trisha Sharma Cooper.
Weird right? It is but interesting too.

Well as you have guessed by my name I am an Indian and as for Cooper I am adopted.

It's a long story and I don't have time to tell it right now. Maybe some other day.
So, here is a short version.

My biological parents died when I was 11. They were really good friends with the Coopers, how? Well we used to be neighbors until we, my parents and I, moved back to India when I was 2. Well had to move back to India.

So when my parents died, the Coopers adopted me. Mom aka Mrs Cooper said she always wanted to have two daughters. I am turning 16 this year so it has been 3 and a half years since I was adopted and moved back to America.

I have a sister name Amanda. Amanda doesn't hate me but surely disliked me strongly at the beginning and I don't blame her but after some time things started getting better. We have a bittersweet relationship mostly sweet though.

So this is my life. A little tragic, a little dramatic with full of twists and turns.

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