Chapter 2

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It was an uncomfortable night for Buck as he found it hard to sleep through the pain, he was awoken by the sound of an alarm going off, Aaron stirred and turned it off and got up and went straight in to the bathroom to get ready and Buck fell back asleep he awoke again with Aaron above him

"Morning sleepy head" Aaron said as he kissed Bucks forehead

"Morning what time is it?" Buck asked

"Nearly 7:30 im heading off but made you breakfast" Aaron said as he held a tray, Buck sat up and Aaron placed the tray down

"Thought we had eat at the table as it not a barn" buck says with a smirk

"Cheeky, well you're hurt so I'll let you off" Aaron say smiling

"Im sorry about last night" Aaron started to speak

"What for I was the one who caused it all" Buck quickly stated as he drunk some orange juice

"But I could have done more to help you" Aaron replied

"Like you said im trained to sort these problems, which I am so don't worry about it accidents happen" Buck said

"What time is your appointment?" Aaron asks

"1pm then ill head shops to get food for a meal later" Buck responds

'Need to make up for last night; he has been so kind when I was such an idiot getting myself burned like that'

"We could always go out you know have a meal out" Aaron says

"Maybe I'll see how my leg is but I also got a long shift tomorrow as its Halloween so it can be busy" Buck says

"Ok well let me know before I finish work what you want do" Aaron says as he rolls his eyes but Buck was too busy eating the food to notice and just gave a nod of his head

"Im off see you later babe" Aarons says as he kisses Buck on the cheek and smiles at him and walks off out

'Can't believe how nice he's been to me'

He checked his phone to see if he had any messages off anyone he had only one off Bobby saying what time to start his shift tomorrow as he on light duties but it was so formal not like they use to be

'Everyone must hate me still but I can't moan it was my entire fault, I need to man up'

With that thought he finishes the food and moves the tray over so he can get out of bed and start getting ready as he stands he remembers about the burn as it starts to hurt, he takes off the dressing to look at it and see how bad it is in the daylight. He peels off the bandage and sees the red marks of the burn with some blisters appearing and knows he needs it looking at

'He will think your weak if you get someone look at it, do you want to prove your weak'

The thoughts in his head were confusing him so he shook his head and went for a shower taking care round the burn when washing and drying he then place ointment on the burn and while it soak in he took the tray down to wash up the dishes as he starting washing he heard a knock at the door and panicked he didn't want anyone to see the burn so he pulled a pair of shorts on and over and he could feel the fabric stick to the burn.

"One second" he shouted as he walked up to the door trying to take his time so the fabric didn't rub

As he opened the door he is greeted by his sister

"Buck" Maddie says as she pushed pass him and walks in to the apartment as he closes the door he turns round and she hugs him

"It's been a while since I last saw you "she says

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