Chapter 1

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As buck awoke in his bed he rolled over to see what time it was

'8am I can have another hour '

As he rolled over and nodded off again, he was woken up by his phone ringing he didn't look who it was just answered the phone

"Hello" he said in groggy tone

"Hi Evan its Chase your lawyer"

"Oh hey what's up? We're meeting at 1 aren't we?" he asked confused to why he was been called so early

"Yes Buck but that was 20 minutes ago where are you?"

"Oh shit I'll be there ASAP" Buck responded as he hung up and rushed round getting dressed to go to Chase's office and talk about the lawsuit and to get his job back. He stopped and looks in the mirror and started to think about everything that was going on.

Since the start of the lawsuit he was unable to talk to anyone at the 118 which was weighing on him as they were like family and always was talking to them outside of work, but he missed Eddie and Chris more as he had grown so fond of Chris and Eddie well he was his best mate but just before the truck explosion Buck had been having other feelings about Eddie which he always pushed down as he didn't want ruin his friendship

'I must stop thinking like this about Eddie he wouldn't be interested in me anyway'

He continued getting ready and headed out as he got to chases office they spent a few hours talking Buck explaining all the other problems the 118 team were having individually

'Should I be telling him all this'

It had been on Bucks mind for days weather not losing everyone was worth it but he just wanted to go back to work and enjoy the job he loved doing.

"Ok were all done here Evan you can go" chase said as he held his hand out for a goodbye handshake

"Cool so do you think we have a chance to get my job back?" Buck asked

"That and a big pay out" chase answered with a grin on his face

"I told you I don't want the money I just want to be back in the 118" Buck responded starting to get annoyed by Chase

"I know but we have the hearing tomorrow so let's see what happens" Chase explained

Buck shook his hand and went off 'I need a drink' as he leaves the office building he heads towards the club he wants to go to knowing that no one would hate him he sits at the bar and orders a drink "not seen you in here before" a male voice from behind came "It's not very often I come here and normally I stay for one drink and go" buck explains

"Aaron by the way" Aaron said as he held his hand out

"Sorry im Evan but everyone calls me Buck" he responds

"Nice to meet you Buck" Aaron say as he smiles and Buck smiles back

"You want a drink?" Buck asks

"Sure JD and Coke please" Aaron replies

Buck orders the drinks and they both wander over to a table in the corner to talk, "so see anything you fancy?" Aaron asks with a wink

"Oh no im just here for a drink nothing else" Buck replies as he looks down

"My bad I thought you were Gay or at least bi, did you not know this was a gay club?" Aaron asked with a confused look on why Buck was here

"Yeah I knew it was a gay club and to be honest im bi vie been with one lad before but kept it to myself" Buck replied "my father wasn't nice about it when he found out and we stopped talking" he carried on but leaving out a big amount of the story on why they stopped

Always  yourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora