Ezra and I had told our team of four about him now being the lead doctor. Tash's wide eyes met mine with a fury as I explained my new position in this fight. "What the fuck, Sienna?"

I grabbed the bridge of my nose. "I know, Tash. I'm sorry I didn't speak to you about it, but the decision just kind of came to me and I had to roll with it. Trust me on this, okay? I'll be alright."

She huffed at me with an eye roll. "Well I know you'll be alright, you bad ass." She wrapped her arms around my neck. "You better be safe out there, Dreis. I can't take losing my best friend. And I want to be able to say that my gal is a kick-ass doctor and fighter. I mean, how cool right?"

I laughed, always appreciative of her supportive words."You won't lose me, love. Someone needs to keep you in line." I gave her a wink as she lightly punched my arm.

Leia's voice came over my radio. "They're coming. Shut the door." I took a quick glance over my shoulder before turning back to the crew.

"Those of you comfortable enough to fight, come up front with your blasters. If not, stay in the back under cover." I gave Tash's hand a squeeze before running up towards the shutting door. A large portion of us were watching as the Order ships headed straight for the opening. The ship in the lead looked like it had no plans of pulling up.

"Shit," I whispered under my breath. "Everyone get back! Get back!"

We all scrambled backwards as the lead ship cleared the door, crashing into the opening of the cave. Everyone hid behind various crates, shooting at the ship as it came to rest. Poe and I stepped out from behind our cover with continued fire until two pairs of hands shot out from the front of the ship.

Poe held his hand up. "Hold your fire. Hold your fire!"

Leia joined us at the front, gasping when Finn and Rose showed their faces.

"Rose! Finn! You're not dead! Where's my droid?" Just as Poe asked, the ramp on the ship came down and revealed our round friend who was beeping enthusiastically as he sped to Poe's feet. The pilot dropped down to his knees as he greeted him. "Buddy! I'm so glad to see you!" I kneeled down by him as BB-8 turned to me.

"You had us worried sick!" BB-8 beeped his apologies as I kissed the top of his metal head, meeting Poe's eyes. He looked back to the droid, still not wanting to speak to me.

I turned my attention to the two fighters coming down the ramp, wrapping my arms around them in a quick embrace. "Welcome back."

"This is all that's left?" Rose asked in a sad voice. I stepped back, giving her a sad smile.

"It is. They took out the majority of our transport ships," Leia said as she greeted the two. She looked back at Ezra who was coming up with a med bag. "Let's get you two cleaned up, then we will come up with a plan." She turned to me. "Poe, take the others and start up the command center. We need to get our message out so we can get some reinforcements."

"You got it, General."

So it turned out that the base wasn't as bad off as I had originally thought it'd be. We were able to get the distress signal to the Outer Rims, and just in time.

"Rose, what do you got?" Poe asked as the woman entered the room.

She looked annoyed. "Rotted munitions, rusted artillery, and some half-gutted skim speeders."

"Well let's just pray that big-ass door holds long enough for us to get some help." Just as Poe finished his statement, the ground shook and pieces of the cave floated down from above. I shared a look with the pilot as Finn looked out to see what was going on.

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