Like a sea, the multitude of black bodies dropped to their knees, some pressing their faces against the dirt. In the same manner that of the guards outside, they stretched their hands up and out towards her as if to receive something from her. The sound of crying sounded and it took him a minute to realize that the women, some of them were crying. She knelt in front of one such woman and lifted her face, tears having run down shiny cheeks. The woman grabbed hold of her hanbok and began to sob as she pressed kisses to each cheek.

Pulling her head against her bosom, she cradled her close. Caught up by a strange emotion, he found he could not speak as a sharp anguished yip came from the crowd, the sound jarring and stirring the spirit. The yipping grew louder and some of the women began to sway, song on their lips. It seemed to travel through the crowd until it was a collective voice, one of worship and thanks. Pressing one last kiss to the woman's forehead, she slowly stood. She said not a word as she took hold of his hand and led him through the parted crowd, the hands of the women slipping across her hanbok and feet.

They came to a corridor, massive statues standing guard on each side. In the likeness of a woman, long wings painted jade, pink and gold fell down on either side of her. Her eyes were lines with a thick gold design and her body had been painted a deep dark brown. Men clothed in white came forth, knives and arrows drawn tight in their bows. They spoke with a demanding tone. It all stopped as a woman came to push herself through the thick wall of bodyguards. Clothed much like the statue of the woman outside the corridor, her eyes were instead lined with black and her lips painted red. At the sight of Tiye, her eyes grew wide and filled with tears. She spoke something and Tiye responded, tears in her voice. The two women collided, arms wrapped around each other. The other fell against her, legs given completely out. She wept and the sound of it crushed his heart into a million pieces.

For the longest, Tiye didn't say anything... only wept silently as she held onto the woman. When she turned to face him, her eyes were wet.

"My younger sister." She spoke, the sound of his tongue sending relief through him. Throat tight, he gave a nod. The woman identified as her sister stood and said something else before rushing back the way she'd come. When she returned, she brought with her another woman. An older woman. Face clothed in smooth satiny black flesh, her eyes were large, brown and strong. Her cheekbones were high and prominent. Lips bare, they were full and alluring. Long thick braids traveled down her back and they were fashioned in big spikes, jutting from her head as if her very hair was itself a crown. At the sight of the woman, a sound of jubilation escaped Tiye and she ran towards her, not stopping until the arms of the woman swallowed her up.

The two women began to cry but Tiye was louder, her emotion spilling freely and uninhibited. The scene before him brought tears to his eyes and without his control they slipped down his cheeks. The pain in his heart increased and he bit his lip as his throat filled with unshed tears. The guilt he felt...then and there...was immeasurable. He needed no assumption about her. Knowing that the woman who held her... was her mother tore him up inside. She had been robbed of her daughter. Her sisters and sure to be brothers had been robbed of their sister. Robbed and kept in chains... in captivity by his family. Lifting eyes, he felt a chill go through him as he met the eyes of the woman who must have raised them from her weeping daughter. Though filled with tears like his, her gaze was steely and cold and most importantly, they held the most important question...Who are you?


Her warmth was one she never thought she'd feel again in this life. Set to be content by it only in her dreams, she had forgotten what it felt like to have her mother's solid warm fragrant body pressed against hers. Even now, the familiar sweet spice of her perfume drifted into her soul. Her fingers gentle yet firm drew her face up away from her bosom.

"My darling child, you've returned to us..." Chin trembling, she spoke.

"Yes Mama... I have come home."

"Oh how I praise the gods for your return. How they have protected you my sweet child. My how you have grown." Feeling her cheeks warm with rouge, she smiled softly as the thumbs of her mother wiped away her tears.

"That strange man. Who is he?" Swallowing thickly, she cleared her throat as her mother let her hands fall to her shoulders, holding them as if to protect her from him.

"That man has given me so much in his land. The land I was forced into."

"What is this land?"

"It is known as Goryeo."

"And he? Who is he in this land of Goryeo?"

"He is the one who shall ascend to her Throne and lead his people with a just and wise hand." Her mother was quiet for a while yet before,

"I see." Kissing her forehead, she smoothed back the braids from her face.

"Let's get you clean and out of those strange clothes. We shall talk once you have done so."

"Mama... he is no threat to you or our people. Please don't let any harm come to him." Clucking her tongue, she pursed her lips as servant women came to take her.

"Anat, please see to it that this man is treated as an esteemed guest. Provide him a bath and clothes should he want them. Have him meet my mother and I later this evening."

"Yes my lady." Glancing back at him, she felt her heart pound. He looked terrified. Even though he was trying to appear put together. She could see it. The fear that spread across his features at her retreating form.


"They won't harm you my love. Go with them." She gave a nod of reassurance and soon disappeared from his sight.


A/N: HAPPY FRI-YAY Y'ALL! Another short one! I started workin on the next chapter and then BAM my creativity slipped over to 0:00 lol Well and I've been working like a mad woman since this past weekend so ya girl is TIRED. This whole week was ROUGH. Next week I hope to have two chapters to update for Yeonwang as usual hehe. Tiye is home y'all and oh does it feel so good!! Everything is so vivid and fresh this chapter hehe. I'll see y'all next week! Love y'all! God bless!!

~anointedlily <3 

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