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It did not take long for the Finn boy to be found, and Emori knew that after his death she could finally put the traitor rumors to rest

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It did not take long for the Finn boy to be found, and Emori knew that after his death she could finally put the traitor rumors to rest. She was not siding with the sky people she was protecting hers and she was going to make them see that. Night had fallen when every Trikru soldier began to light torches and to yell in triumph as they nailed down a post for where they would kill Finn. Emori had also gotten some new weapons since hers seemed to have magically disappeared during her weeks of being gone and to say she was happy was an understatement. After the tense talk between Lexa and Emori, there had been no interaction between them. Not even while they stood side by side as they walked out of the tent. "Let her pass" Lexa yelled as Emori watched Clarke against Indra's spear, blood spilling from the small wound. Indra let her go and Clarke quickly walked over to Lexa. "You bleed for nothing. You cannot stop this" the commander voiced as Emori took a step back to let them speak. Clarke quickly glanced at Emori hoping she would say something but realized she wouldn't when she couldn't even look at her.

"No, only you can," Clarke said as she turned her attention back to the commander. Suddenly all the Trikru soldiers began to shout and whoop in glee as Finn was brought out and tied up to the post. Clarke only glanced at Finn before quickly turning back to Lexa with pleading eyes. "Show my people how powerful you are. Show them you can be merciful. Show them you are not a savage" Clarke begged, hoping to get the commander to free Finn. Lexa glanced back at Emori with an emotionless expression and then turned back to Clarke, "we are what we are" she said and raised her head higher to show she was not backing down.

Clarke nodded as tears began to well up in her eyes, "then I'm a killer. I burned 300 of your people. I slit a man's throat and watched him die. I'm soaked in grounder blood. Take me" she begged. Lexa eyed Clarke with a hint of amazement in her eyes, she had seen the bravery that Emori had seen in Clarke before, finding it quite an admiral act of her, but she knew she couldn't let Finn live. That would bring Trikru into a frenzy she feared she couldn't even control, and after all her people deserve justice.

"But Finn is guilty," she said and Clarke shook her head. "No, he did it for me, he did it for me" she repeated hoping to show the commander that it was all her, that she was the one that truly needed to die. Finn was only looking for her, he didn't mean to kill all those people.

"Then he dies for you" Lexa finalized and gave Clarke a hard look assuring her there was no way to change Finn's fate. Clarke seemed to realize the same thing as she looked towards the ground and then back at the commander with a tear slipping down her cheek. "Can I say goodbye?" Clarke asked as Lexa hesitated. She glanced back at Emori who only gave her a soft nod before turning back to Clarke and giving her a slight nod of approval. Emori watched as Clarke quickly ran over to Finn and kissed him, her hands securely placed on the boy's face. She could only watch as Clarke cried and held onto Finn for dear life, and she made sure that there was no emotion shown across her face that could show some kind of weakness. Nothing that could show the pain she was currently feeling as she remembered how she held onto Freya's cold body crying for her love not to leave her. She watched Clarke recede from the boy who had suddenly fallen limp, blood pouring out of a wound in his chest and a bloody knife in Clarke's still hand. When every soldier realized the rules had been broken and Clarke had killed the boy, everyone yelled in anger as Indra goes to attack Clarke, but Lexa was faster.

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