Reasons to ship Kiribaku (because why the fuck not, it's 4 am)

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Howdy, my name is Jesus Condom, I've been to rehab four times, and you're watching Disney channel.

1. God would be proud of you

2. We have oreos and juice boxes ever Saturday when we come to worship

3. It makes sense

4: Bakugou's rescue happened (See Season 3 aka. Bakugou probably has trauma that will change his life forever and PTSD)

5. BNHA Smash! is a thing that exists (yes that's a reason in itself)

6. Number 5 is kind of a joke but also not

7. If you seach Kirikami on google it brings up "Did you mean Kiribaku?" because apparently google is part of the cult too


yeah this entire chapter was a joke im tired it's four am stfu

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2020 ⏰

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