kirishima headcanons

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-he's incredibly fascinated with girl's beauty routines
"why do you have so many different lotions? body butter? you mean you put BUTTER on your skin?!
"aren't you afraid of putting so many pencils and brushy thingies near your eyes?"

-drunk kirishima would be really entertaining (aged up, obviously, underage drinking is a no no)
he would get really clingy and latch onto anyone's (probably mina's or bakugou's) arm and ramble about literally anything on his mind
he'd be the happiest drunk, would probably laugh about literally anything
would buy random people shots because "they looked like they needed it"
"are you coming to bed or what?"
"you seem like a really great guy but i have a boyfriend-"
"shithead, i'm your boyfriend."

-will smile to himself about literally nothing

-loves food above all else 

-he has a big sweet tooth

-big animal person, lover of all animals. he probably owns a bunch of cool pets like birds and bearded dragons and hedgehogs and ferrets and at least two very large dogs with big hearts.

-if kirishima were a dog, he would either be a German Shepard or an Akita

-he has a fear of snakes (don't ask)

-when denki and mina are freaking out over a spider, he's the one who is forced to murder it (they don't call katsuki because katsuki doesn't like spiders and when he sees one he basically quarantines until the beast is secured) 

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