"My apologies Wangja-nim." Grinning, he reached across her and grabbed a large skewer of meat, handing it to her. She smiled in thanks.

"What's wrong? Have I upset you?" He asked, watching as she began to eat, linen pressed delicately underneath her chin to catch any leaking juice from the portion.

"No...nothing's wrong."

"You sure eolin-i?"

"I'm positive." Nodding then in agreeance, he leaned back to lay upon the ground. Closing his eyes, he let out a loud exhale.

"What is on your mind?" She asked, coming to lay her head on his chest.

"This day of merrymaking must end."


"Tomorrow, we must continue our journey to Song."


"Tomorrow blood might be shed. Tomorrow those we've come to call our comrades thus far might perish." She lifted up and looked at him as he stared straight ahead, up at the stars that twinkled here and there.


"Tomorrow is another day not yet here Wangja-nim." At that, his gaze flickered to hers.

"Let us worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes."

"For now?"

"For now, let us enjoy tonight." Swallowing thickly, he observed as she laid her head back down for a while before pulling away from him completely. Going for her piece of meat, she began to eat heartily, laughing at something Hae whispered into her ear. Swallowing a lump that had formed, he watched her with intense scrutiny...for the first time in perhaps a long time. Here he was...seventeen summers, set to inherit a Throne and Kingdom...future King...a man who was to be warrior, defender and protector of the People. And so far he couldn't escape the feeling that eventually...he would have to choose. Love for his country. Or...love-......

Love for Tiye.

The thought sent a warm gentle pain to his heart. He...he loved her. He'd never admitted it to himself... tried not to even reflect on the budding feelings. But here and now, the strangest feeling came over him as he allowed the thought to cover him like a warm inviting blanket. Tiye was everything he was told he couldn't have. She was given no opportunity to succeed or increase her station in life. Set to be lower than dirt... lower than shit for the rest of her life. Unless....unless he gave her one. Feeling his cheeks warm, he took a shaky breath. As of now... only one route would guarantee her ascension. It was one that would change the both of them indefinitely. But in that very moment...he decided. He wouldn't go without either of them. He would have his Kingdom. And...and he'd have her too.


The morning had started off roughly. Hung over, the men seemed to want to be lackadaisical and it was to the threat of each and every one being beaten within an inch of his life that they got up. Wangja-nim was dressed and preparing Dong-Il when everyone gathered, apparently sobered as they took in his intense expression.

"Check yourselves. Make sure you have your weapons available and handy."

"Yes Wangja-nim." His gaze flickered over to the small caravan of men who had led them this far.

"From here, how many more days till we reach Song?"

"Three pyeha. Two if we really push it." He nodded, satisfied with that answer.

"Good then. Tiye."

"Yes Wangja-nim?"

"Ride to my right. At all times. Do not deviate."

"Yes Wangja-nim." He took Yoo-shik in his sight next.

"Yoo-shik, you to my left."

"Yes Wangja-nim."

"Hae-ah, Sang-Ook-ah, you will directly ride behind me. Is that understood?" Both of them nodded.

"You have your orders. Let's ride."


By afternoon, hunger had set in but they pushed on, forcing it to wait till later. They had much more ground to cover. Looking up, she felt her throat grow tight. Somehow, the protection that the trees had provided had disappeared and as they traveled further and further down this path, they were increasingly being led into open space. One she did not like.

"Wangja-nim." She spoke curtly, drawing his attention.

"What is it?"

"Did you bring it?"

"Bring what?"

"The map. Did you bring it?" Catching her drift, he immediately halted Dong-Il.

"Halt!" He bellowed, reaching behind him for a small canister. Pulling out the map, he lifted his eyes to the small group of men.

"Where have you led us?"

"On the way to Song pyeha." Gripping the map in his hands, he nearly crushed it as he spoke again.

"I'll ask again. Where have you led us?"

"On the way to Song."

"Draw your weapons!" He ordered his camp who immediately did so. Taking the eldest one in his sight, he pointed a geom at him. The man for the first time since the trip began showed an outrageous show of emotion, laughing until he leaned over, gripping his horse.

"This is where our journey ends together pyeha."

"Who the fuck sent you?" He barked, teeth grit together.

"Wangja-nim!" Eyes lifted upward as a multitude of men began to gather along the tops of the mountains, arrows drawn.

"It wouldn't matter anyway. You'll be dead before I even utter a name." The man lifted his hand and an arrow shot through the air, striking him in the side.

"WANGJA-NIM!" Dong-Il screamed and bucked, knocking his owner off of his back. And before they all knew it, a sea of black came raining down upon them.

A/N: AWWW SHNAPPPPP IT DON WENT DOWN. WHEWWW. Our Cheollie admits his feelings for our lovely little lady finally. This is unrelated to the chapter but I have noticed that I have a thing for water scenes LOL. I just noticed that after making this chapter. I don't know why lol. hahaha. Okay I will see y'all soon! Love y'all and please stay safe in this time! Prayers for your families and for your health! May you all be covered in and by the Blood of Jesus. I leave these nuggets of love with you on this Friday night.

John 14:27 KJV

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Psalm 27:1 KJV

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?




dari-sokgot- It is essentially 'underwear". Consisting of ties on each side.

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