A Twisted Game (one-shot)

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           When Momose Sunohara became Momo, the idol adorned by all in Re:vale, he gave up his friends, family, and his favorite hobby, soccer. In high school, Momo was a star athlete, raising his team to stardom and even carrying them to nationals, however his career as an intercollegiate prodigy was taken away after an injury, leading to his team's loss at nationals. Once he became an idol, he poured his heart and soul into his music with Yuki, never missing a beat when his darling needed him. It wasn't until he was twenty-two years old that a few of Momo's former teammates asked if he would like to join a recreational soccer league to keep their hobby alive. After several conversations with a worrisome Yuki and their manager, Rinto, Momo was given the "okay" to compete with his friends on his downtime of being an idol with the promise that he would take it easy and not put himself in unnecessary risky situations during games.

"You know I'm just worried about you right? If you're happy I'm happy Momo, I just don't want to see you get hurt again." says Yuki.

"Awe Yuki, I'll be fine! What happened back then was a result of overwork. I've learned my lesson. Trust me, I'll never get hurt again because if I did, then you'd be sad. I don't want to see my darling cry over me ever again." replies Momo with his signature smile that could cure world hunger.

Yuki's eyes soften and he forms a sweet smile on his face as he looks at his loving partner, "You never cease to amaze me Momo-san."

Grabbing each other's hands, Momo and Yuki walked side by side down the hall as their day ended, awaiting the next to come.




Three years later




Re:vale has become a legendary duo idol group since Momo took the place of Banri. Momo and Yuki have won countless awards, performed at over a thousand concerts and reality shows, and made so many new friends along the way, including the rising stars of IDOLiSH7. Momo and his soccer team have become the new rave in the city, drawing the attention of several other well-known leagues from surrounding prefectures. They have won dozens of games over the years, receiving offers from all over Japan.

Today was no different than any other Saturday, Momo was preparing for his afternoon game with Yuki sipping a cup of coffee as he watched the younger idol put on his gear.

"I never get tired of seeing you in uniform." chuckles Yuki as he sits on the couch.

Momo looks up after pulling up his shin guards and runs over to Yuki, plopping down in his lap. "Ahh darling you're too kind to me!"

"Careful Momo! You almost made me spill scalding coffee all over you! I would never forgive myself if you got hurt over something so foolish." Yuki says as he coddles Momo's figure in a sweet embrace.

"Don't worry darling! I'm invincible, remember? Your personal superhero!" replies Momo as he mimics a signature Superman pose.

The two laugh together as they enjoy their alone time. As the soccer match draws near, Yuki and Momo head to the car where Rinto waited for them. Today was special since IDOLiSH7 was going to come watch the game and support Momo. Since they had new bookings, they couldn't always make it to watch their senpai play, but when they could, they were always there. Since Saturday was their day off, Nagi and Yamato decided to go with TRIGGER's Ryu and Gaku to a local bar downtown, leaving Riku, Iori, Mitsuki, Sogo, and Tamaki to attend today's game. Of course since Tenn was the only one from TRIGGER that wasn't busy, Riku convinced him to join in on the fun quite easily.

A Twisted Game ~ A Re:vale One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now