ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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It's been two months since you and Jadon have hook up. While he's living his life, you're here on your bed vomiting, having stomach and back pain. You don't want to jump to conclusions that your pregnant, but you never know.

"Capri it's been two months and your still sick, maybe we should check in with our family doctor" Kirsten said.

"Sis I'm fine, it will probably go away anytime now" she said pointing her head of the washroom since she was vomiting.

"Are your sure your sure your fine because this is not normal." Kirsten said frustration with her younger sister.

"When's was the last time you had sex" Kirsten said when Capri walk out of the washroom.

"Um probably like two months ago I think why" Sais Capri with an raise eyebrow.

Kirsten thought for a moment, so Capri poured water into a cup and drink it.

"Well maybe your pregnant" Kirsten said.

"I'm what"

"I said maybe your pregnant dumb ass, you did have sex like probably two  months ago and you probably didn't use a a condom since your dirty ass likes it raw" Kirsten said.

"I'm not pregnant I know that for sure" Capri said trying to convince herself.

"Well if you think your not pregnant let's go to the doctor to find out" her sister said.


"What do you mean why, you've been vomiting for the past two months like a pregnant lady. It's not normal for anybody to be that sick in our family" Kirsten yelled at her younger sister.

"Okay maybe she was right, she barely gets sick since her immune system is really strong and it's not normal to be this sick." She thought.

"Ok fine" Capri said.

"Finally I was about to call our mother and tell her what's happening" Kirsten said grabbing her keys.

At the Doctors

"Okay Mr.Anderson what is wrong with me" Capri said.

"Well it's Ms.Potter you are indeed thirteen weeks pregnant" the doctor said.

"I'm what"

"I knew it" Kirsten said rolling her eyes at her sister reaction.

"Could I speak to my sister alone for a minute" Capri ask the doctor.

"Of courses."

The doctor step out and let the two young ladies speak.

"Well I'm pregnant you were correct now what do I do, I can't abort it I will feel horrible" Capri said with tears in her eyes.

Kirsten stood up and went to comfort her sister. "I know you can't abort but you got a loving and caring family that will support with anything you need."

Capri wipe her tears and gave her sister a small weak smile. She touch her belly and just started to take in that she actually is pregnant and has to put her career on hold.

" I hope the press don't figure this out until the baby is born" Capri mumble.

"Now that you know your pregnant who's the father?" Kirsten ask.

Capri thought for a moment and realize that it's that Jadon dude she slept with after they won the world cups.

"I'm I know his name is Jadon" she said.

Kirsten raised her eyebrow, went on her phone and started to type something.

"Is this the guy"

Capri was shock when she saw the same guy she slept with on Kirsten phone on instagram.

"I'm taking that as a yes" Kirsten said and Capri nodded.

The doctor walk back in with nurses and some stuff in his hands.

"Well your pregnant and this is your first appearance I could show you the ultrasound if you want" the doctor said.

She agreed and saw the picture of the baby in her tummy. Tears of joy and sadness start to fall. She was happy that she was having baby, but she too young and she probably won't have a father.

She wipe her tears quick for no one to know she was crying. "Can I have and ultrasound picture" she ask. The doctor nodded look at the nurses for them to get a picture.
Three Months Later
She was now into the fifth month into her pregnancies. Her baby bump started to grow and you could tell she was pregnancy from the way her back bend back and the way she walk.

It's also been five months of the press not figuring out she's pregnant. A few fans to come up to her and ask if she is. She does say yes and tell them to not tell anybody. She glad people in Canada can keep their mouth shut.

Capri was in Walmart walking around for food she was craving and for food shopping since she keeps running out cause her baby in her tummy wants everything.

"Excuse me I'm sorry miss, but I don't really live here but do you know we're I can find crips" a familiar voice said.

She turned around and found the man that got her pregnant standing right in front of her. Jadon was as shock as her when he saw her. He never thought he would see her again. He wasn't alone though another darker brownish guy was behind looking between both of them weirdly.

She came back to reality and answer his question " I'm sorry I don't know what a crisp is"

"Um I think in America you guys say chips bag or so like that" the darker brownish said.

"Um first were in Canada know your geography, second it's in aisle seven" Capri said with attitude.

"I'm sorry miss for offending you and I will go to aisle seven" the guy said with his hands raised in surrender while walking out of the aisle she's in.

Once he disappeared she look at Jadon "I need to talk you, it's very important" she said.

He nodded pulled out his phone and she type in her number. He smile at her and walk to the aisle his friend was in.

"Well guess who I bump into today" Capri said to her sister on the phone.

"Who your baby daddy" Kirsten said.

"You are correct I did bump into him and yeah I gave him my number so we speak but I didn't tell I'm pregnant yet" Capri said before her sister starts asking her these questions.

"Oh well I see you didn't want me to ask you questions" her sister said causing Capri to roll her eyes.

"You know what goodnight I need to rest anyways so I can have energy to tell him pregnant" Capri said hanging up the phone.

The Next Day
"So what was very important that you needed to tell me" Jadon said.

"Um I don't know where to start but um-

"If this is about the one night stand, I don't have feelings for you" he said.

"Capri your just a one night stand to me" Jadon said.

Capri scoffs, throws three pregnancy test at Jadon. "Well Jadon Malik Sancho, your expecting a baby in nine months."

Yep that's right she took three pregnancies test after she came back from the doctors just in case this day came.

Jadon stood their shock with the receiving news he just got.
Ooh it's about to get heated comment below to what you guys thinks going to happen in the next chapter.

Jadon gonna have a lot in his hands now!!!

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