a snow day special

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"So what I'm saying is she had a beautiful white and Layton dovish dress the veil on her face but her hair was white with crystal blue eyes oh and her hair happens to have ice blue tips at the bottom"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"So what I'm saying is she had a beautiful white and Layton dovish dress the veil on her face but her hair was white with crystal blue eyes oh and her hair happens to have ice blue tips at the bottom"

"Yeah what you're thinking about is the urban legend about the girl who had an amazing weather basic quirk but died so young at the age of 18 because of it do you know how to control it and eventually caused her own demise in a winter wonderland disaster"

"Anyway Jiro's right it's just an old legend but enough of the gloom and doom let's have some fun" Mina shouted

Time skip just when they were about to leave

The kids started packing up getting ready to leave Deku wanted to go down the mountain one last time

"Hurry up midoriya the big 3 are waiting for us"

Midoriya using his snowboard slid so far down the mountain at such a high speed he ended up flying into the icy Forest the other saw and followed after him but little did they know that that forest was being guarded by a beautiful guardian

"Looks like I boarded down the mountain a little too fast I just got to find my bored and find a way out here"

"Looking for this"

"Oh yes thank you"

he was about to go and grab it but the moment the girl put her hand on it froze into a solid block of ice

"How did you do that"

"That's my power you've heard of my tail I can manipulate they control the weather that includes anything I touch"

"You're that girl I saw the girl from the urban legend your-"


"That's your name is the legend wrong about you they said you died because of your qurik"

"I do not wish to answer those questions, for now, I wish to get to know you"

She slowly walked up to him her piercing blue eyes staring directly enter his soul

"M-my name is Izuku midoriya"

"Oh don't be afraid of me I'm not going to hurt you, in fact, you're the complete opposite of what everyone else is you're... just... like... me"

He tried to speak but his lips were frozen shut he couldn't say anything he was pulled down to the ground cuz of the icey Vines having to look up at her

"Shh don't worry I'm so happy your immune to the cold just like me that means we're connected izuku"

His friends saw him and we're about to call out but then they saw the girl and saw weird vines holding down

"What's going on is that the girl from The legend and how come midoriya hasn't run away yet"

"You dunce can't you see that girls using her power the whole Deku down it's probably too strong for even his Qurik to break out of" bakugou road

"Let's keep watching if midoriya is still in danger we'll step in but if he's not then we'll just call him after he's done" Todoroki whispered

"Shh just look into my eyes don't think don't speak just keep looking my prince"

Soon Deku's eyes started turning bright blue he stopped being able to think about his friends so fixated on this girl but he didn't know why. Soon she kissed him on the forehead

*Her kiss is cold it hurts like ice chards smashing its way into my heart*

"Tell me where are your friends"

"I don't have any... just you snowflake"

"Good now let's go we have a winter wonderland to get ready for"

"She hypnotized him"

"No from the approach she was doing look more like she brainwashed him with her kiss" Momo explained

"We got to go to this winter festival or whatever and save him" Kirishima announced

"I'm coming to Deku saved me and now it's my turn to save him," Eri said proudly

"Eri if you really want to help then you need to go back with the big three and tell them where we are and what happened to Deku then you need to stay with Mr. Aizawa you can't have you be in danger like this"

They all left Eri to go back to them however she was smarter than that one of them drop their phone so she used it to call Miro and the others then when she was done she left a trail for them to follow and followed everyone through the thick woods behind them will they be able to save Deku or will he be able to be under the Snow princess is evil spell...... forever

Crazy Idea One ShotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ