"Why the tantrum then?"

Amelia chuckled.

"Funny thing is. I wanted mom and dad, especially dad to see you weren't the poster child for good behavior. I ended up getting the both of us cut off and spending a really hard Christmas together."

Aurora could hear her sniffles as she slid closer to her.

"You do know that you're the one that stopped hanging with me?"

"Because you were making your own friends. Getting into your own groove, you didn't need me anymore."

Aurora placed her hand over Amelia's shoulder.

"You're my big sister. I looked up to you."

Amelia placed her head on Aurora's shoulder.

"I just didn't think I was worthy for you to look up too."

"Don't be crazy. You have your ways but you're not half bad."

Amelia playfully shoved Aurora.


Aurora lifted up her hands in surrender.

The honking of Zoe's car horn, brought Aurora back to the present day.

"Can I give you some advice?"

Aurora loaded her suitcase into the trunk.


"Don't lie to him. Logan doesn't like being lied to and as soon as he finds out what happened he'll be there for you."

Aurora nodded.

"I'll tell him eventually."

She bent forward, coming face to face with the melon shaped baby bump.

"And you cute stuff keep your mom out of trouble okay?"

Amelia rubbed at her stomach, smiling.

"The only trouble I'm in is walking around campus with a baby bump."

"Then you should tell the father?"

Amelia arched her eyebrow.

"And risk being the talk of the campus. I don't think so."

Aurora could sense that there was more to her excuse about hiding her pregnancy from Mateo but she didn't have time to pry.

She hopped into Zoe's car.

"Be safe."

She said to Amelia who leaned on the door to the car.

"Your boyfriend is driving. I won't reach to school until tomorrow."

The three chuckled.

"Zoe take care of my sister."

"I always do."

Zoe said as they said their final goodbyes.

The ride to USF was one filled with songs upon songs. Zoe and Aurora played and sang every song they could possibly think of.

"After winter, must come spring."

Zoe sang, as she lowered the volume.

"You know it's weird to see you and Amelia act like actual siblings."

Aurora shrugged.

"It feels weird sometimes but I'm glad we've buried the hachett."

"You just have to work on the ones with your parents now."

A sigh escaped Aurora's lips.

"Yeah really work on it, my father is not a fan of Logan."

It was pretty simple, her father had told her. Break up with Logan and he'd gladly fund her to go to college. If she didn't, community college was it.

Aurora knew her father thought the threat would work. Get her to a point where she knew she had no other options but she did.

Unlike Amelia, Aurora did save and had a job last semester. Enough to pay her rent and half of her tuition. She needed to put aside for her basic living needs and any other things she might happen to need.

She worked out a tuition payment plan with administration and talked to Patsy about taking up more shifts.

It would be an added burden to her already hectic life but it was one she was willing to adjust to. Amelia was right, she did really like Logan and she wasn't about to let anyone come between them until they both got a chance to see where their relationship would go.

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