Ending 1 ~ End

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A/N: You should check out my Hero Toga book.


The police went searching for the villain base once again, after listening to the description of what Deku had said. Aizawa thought of the abandoned bar that was in the run down part of town, since Deku explained there being a bar across from him.

The police had a swat army and walked silently to the door of the run down bar, giving hand signals.





The police broke down the door and saw the villains. Shiggy, Kurogiri, Dabi, and Todoroki where talking while Toga was taking Uraraka's blood.

Kuorgiri saw the cops and started making a portal for everyone. But, Todoroki couldn't get to it in time, so the police had cuffed his hands. He tried to use his quirk but the handcuffs forced his quirk not to work, so he was caught, and Uraraka was saved.

~Time skip brought to you by shiggys chapped lips~

Deku walked into the room, connected to another room, but technically seprated. The plastic that were separating the rooms had holes for talking. On the other side of the plastic was Todoroki, in the quirk turn-off handcuffs.

The boys sat in their seats across from eachother. Todoroki looked down and Deku glared into Todoroki's head.

"It's crazy how I still love you, Shoto."

Villain Todoroki "Blood Shatter"Where stories live. Discover now