Are you okay?

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A/N: Todoroki swears ALOT from now on out SOOO... prepare for language.

Izuku's POV

Now I definitely knew something was wrong. Not just appearance wise, but he started acting like... like Kacchan. But the looks completely gave it away. Last year, he said he wouldn't change anything about himself, yet... here we are. His hair just bothered me, just a liiiiittle bit. He made his hair into like a mohawk. He shaved the sides, but kept his top there, maybe like a buzz cut? He dyed what used to be his white hair black, which I would think he would at least do that to his fire side, since he hates his dad and everything. 

Todoroki: Move out of the way, Deku.

Deku?! He's never called me anything but Midoriya.

Me: Are you okay? 

Todoroki: I'm perfectly fine, now why the fuck did you want me here?

Me: I just... *mumbling* wanted some alone time...

Todoroki: Well here I am.

Now he's definitely acting like Kacchan.

Me: H-have you been hanging out with K-Kacchan lately?

Todoroki: Who? Explosion BoI? Why the fuck would I hang out with that little shit?!

Me: You're just.... never mind.

We played would you rather, the game of life and the next game was...

Me: Next game.

Todoroki: What the fuck is the next game.

Me: ummmm...

Todoroki POV

I was NOT about to play that stupid ass game.

Me: NO!

Izuku: pleeeeeease

He just wouldn't give up, would he?


Izuku: YAAY!

Me: On one condition...

Izuku: hm? *questioning look*

Me: You have to let me stay over and tell me anything I want.

Izuku: That's easy *blushes slightly and smiles*

Me: *looks away and blushes strongly*

Izuku: What's wrong? Do you have a cold?

Me: I'm fine... now fuck off and let's play.

Damn, It's gonna be really difficult if he's this nice. I guess it's just torture till he snaps.

Third person

Izuku and Todoroki started playing, when there was a sudden knock at the door.

Izuku: K-Kacchan?

Todoroki: Ugh! Things were starting to get good! What the fuck do you want explosion BoI?

Bakugo: Fuck off Todo- I mean Icy Hot!

Izuku: H-hi Kacchan! What are yo-you doing here?

Bakugo: What, I can't come over to a childhood friends house? *walks into house*

Izuku: *Thinks* Is there a cold or something going around? Everyone's acting so strange...

Baku & Todo: Izu- Deku, your mumbling again.

Izuku: S-sorry!

Bakugo: Anyway, what are you shit heads doing?

Todoroki: Non of your fucking business!

Bakugo: Come ooooon Icy Hot! *puts arm over Todoroki's shoulder*

Todoroki: *intense stare* Get the FUCK off me NOW.

Izuku: Were p-playing truth or d-dare.

Bakugo: Can I play? Oh, how I LOVE truth or dare!

Todoroki: *Thinks* He sounds so much like...

Izuku: S-sure!

Bakugo: GREAT! Oh, how I LOVE truth or dare!

A/N: Hope you like!   ??? from the last chapter made Todoroki change his attitude too, if you were wondering.

Villain Todoroki "Blood Shatter"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora