Chapter 27: For Good

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It's been about a month since I started school. MJ and Ned have become really good friends of mine. Plus, there has been no sign of Jack or Stephanie anywhere. So my plan worked. I learned to control my new powers, and me and Peter have been an unstoppable fight team in Queens.

Today is my birthday, but I didn't want to do anything special. MJ invited me to go to the mall with her after school, then she will sleepover my house afterwards. I still don't know if she knows that I'm a Stark, which makes me happy knowing that's not the only reason she wants to be my friend.

We go to the mall, and get some clothes and stuff. We decided to get some dinner and then head to my house. I felt like she was hiding something from me, but I just ignored it. Happy picks us up from the mall, to go to my house.

"MJ, I don't know if you know but-" I started.

"You Are Tony Stark's daughter. I'm not blind y/n," MJ says and we both laugh. Well I'm glad she is treating me like I'm no different. We arrive at the Avengers Headquarters and we walk into the lobby. We went up in the elevator and arrived on the main floor. All the lights were out and it was silent. My senses were going off saying multiple people were here.

Out of nowhere the lights turn on and a whole group of people jump up and yell, "Surprise!" It's all of the avengers, and Ned. There are balloons scattered all over the living room and kitchen, with a 'Happy Sweet 16' sign in the kitchen.

Peter runs up to me and embraces me in a hug. "Happy birthday princess. Did you really think that I would let you not celebrate your birthday."

"This was your idea?" I ask. He just smirks and I walk over to everyone to say thank you.

"Happy birthday, bean. By the way, Ned and MJ are sleepovers to have a movie night," says Dad.

"Thank you Dad. For everything. I never thought I would have anything close to a normal life," I say.

"Well, I guess this is where life took us." I see Ned across the room fangirling over Captain America and Thor. I'm not surprised after the way he met me.

"Okay, but do you think a lightsaber can cut through your shield? Oh hey y/n! Happy birthday," Ned says when I walk up to him.

"Happy birthday," Thor and Steve say at the same time.

"Why thank you everyone. When did you guys decide to do this?" I ask.

"For like a month now, MJ and Ned for like 2 weeks," says Steve.

"Well I'm honored to be spending your birthday with the avengers," Ned squeals and I burst into laughter. The rest of the party contained eating cake, playing games, and sharing embarrassing memories about me. The party ended at 9:30 and I told Ned, Peter and MJ that we were sleeping in the movie theater.

"You have a movie theater?" Ned says.

"Perks of being related to Tony Stark," I say, and I go to my room to change into some shorts and one of Peter's sweatshirts. I walk back to the movie theater with everyone else. I sit next to Peter on one couch, and MJ and Ned on another.

"So what are we going to watch?" MJ asks. "Either something depressing or hilarious."

"How about (your favorite movie)?" Peter suggests.

"Oh yea. Let's do this," I say. Peter wraps his arm around me, and I snuggle up towards him, laying my head on his shoulder. "Wait, I have to go make popcorn, I will be right back."

I head to the kitchen, to make popcorn. While I hear the popcorn kernels pop, I feel someone put a strap on my wrist. I turn around and see the one and only Stephanie Chris with a gun. I try to take off the strap on my wrist but it won't budge.

"Oh, darling don't try and take it off, you'll just waste your energy. Plus, your powers won't work either so don't even try," Stephanie says. I don't have my AI earrings or watch to warn anyone that she is here. I know I can't scream or she will put a bullet through my head.

"What do you want from me? Why, why wait a full month to make your move?" I ask. She doesn't scare me. She thinks that she can, but she doesn't.

"Oh sweet sweet child. If you can't answer my questions why should I answer yours?" Stephanie walks closer to me, holding the gun up to my head.

"Well, what are you waiting for, shoot me," I say, knowing she won't kill her own daughter.

"Well, you're useful in my plan. I need you alive, but not for long," she laughs, then walks even closer. She holds the gun up and hits me in the head, knocking me out cold.

I can't believe that I thought she was out of my life for good.

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