Chapter 26: Normal Life

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I wake up with someone kissing my next and say, "Wake up, babe. It's the first day of school." It's Peter. I rub my eyes, as he continues to kiss my neck, and make a path to my lips.

"Good morning to you too, Spidey-boy," I say, giggling. "Now get out of my room, I need to get ready." Peter smiles and gives you one more kiss, then walks out of your room. I get up out of bed, and quickly hop in the shower.

I blow dry my hair, leave it down and brush my teeth. I put on some light make-up, and finished my look. I walk into my closet and grab some ripped jeans and a t-shirt. I get my airforce1's and my AI earrings and watch. "TK, transfer yourself to my earrings and watch."

I grab my backpack, and head to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. Dad is already there with some pancakes in hand. "Good morning, bean. I made you and Peter pancakes for your first day of school," he says.

"Good morning. Thank you for the pancakes," I say grabbing a plate full of pancakes. Peter walks in the kitchen, his face lighting up when he sees the pancakes.

"Oh yea, pancakes. Thank you Mr. Stark," he says, and takes a seat next to me, and starts shoving the pancake down his throat.

"You guys better get going, you don't want to be late on your first day of school," Dad says.

"Ok, bye Dad," I say.

"Bye Mr. Stark." Peter and I walk, grab our bags and head out the door. Happy drove us to Midtown High School. Immediately once I got out of the car, a crowd of students surrounded me, rambling on a bunch of questions.

How is it being Tony Stark's daughter? Can you demonstrate your powers? Do you know who Spider-man is? Who attacked the conference meeting? What does Control's suit look like?

Peter gets through the crowd, interlocking his hand with mine, pulling me out of the crowd. We head into the school, and we arrive at Peter's locker. A kid, maybe around my height came up to me and Peter.

"Hey, Peter. Did you hear that Tony Stark's daughter goes here? Wait- oh my gosh. Your y/n Stark! I love your Dad. He is awesome," he continues to ramble until Peter interrupts him.

"Ned, calm down. Y/n meet Ned. Ned meet y/n, my girlfriend," he says. Hearing him say girlfriend puts a smile on my face.

"Hey, Ned. It's great meeting you," I say.

"Y-your dating the y/n Stark. Tony Stark's daughter. She must know who you are doesn't she?" Ned says.

"Yes, she does. Now pipe down, before anyone hears you. What classes do you guys have?" Peter asks, both Ned and me.

"Chemistry," we both say in unison.

"Same here. Come on let's go." We all walk to Chemistry together. I can hear people whispering about me but I ignore it. We got into the class and the only open seat was next to a girl, with brown hair reading a book. Once I sit down, she looks up from her book, smiles, then continues. Thank Thor she isn't going to ask me questions all class.

Class started and it was really easy. The girl next to me finally talks, "I haven't seen you here before, are you new?" Good, I can make a friend, who doesn't know about my family.

"Yea, I'm y/n. What's your name?" I say.

"Michelle Jones, but my friends call me MJ." The rest of the class we talked and realized we have a lot in common. We like the same books, movies and so much more.

The day continued, and classes were easy. We get to lunch and I look around for Peter, and see him sitting with Ned. I walk over and sit across from Peter and Ned, who were sitting side by side.

"Hey, Stark," says Peter.

"Hey Parker."

"What are first names overrated or something?" Ned asks and Peter and I chuckle.

MJ walks over to our table and sits next to me and says, "What's up loser, and y/n." The rest of lunch, we were talking about random stuff, and I believe I got to say that we were now friends. I gave them my number and continued the rest of my day. Peter and I got back to the Avenger's headquarters and did some homework. We were interrupted by both of our phones buzzing.

It was Ned, texting us in a groupchat with MJ.


Ned: Hey guys

Peter: Hey

MJ: What's up loser and y/n

Y/n: Hola

Ned: I'm going to have a Star Wars marathon tonight. Who wants to come?

Y/n: I'm down

Peter: Sure

MJ: Why not.

Ned: Okay, you guys can come now if you want?

Peter: I'll leave now

Peter and I get out of the building, leaving a note for my dad, just so we don't have to ask. We use the self-driving car to get to Ned's apartment and walk up to his apartment. MJ arrives a couple minutes later, and we start watching Star Wars. Half of the time, we start talking and laughing and continue the movie.

It got really late and we all went back home. If this is what a normal life is like, I never want it to end.

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