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What's on your mind? What are you thinking about? It doesn't go around the corners. But when you juggle with it in your mind it becomes so complex and messy that you don't know which answer you should give.
Anything could be on your mind, the reign of the Nazi, conspiracies and mazes, that homework you forgot to do because Jannet was on the phone with you for the whole day.

All of that and more could inhabit your mind yet you would pick an irrelevant thought or answer.What would you respond with if your mind was blank. I mean totally blank, not the out of topic blank. Blank like you can't think of anything  blank.

You feel like you have the answer but it's just not there. You cant envision it or think about it because there is nothing to think about.

The worst part is the feeling that comes with that blankness. The blankfeeling. When you feel like you can feel it but all you're feeling is nothing. Not numb, NOTHING! Ever had it before? I have had it a million times before. A few of those times were when I thought about some events in my life or my life in general.

The second feeling is the one that makes you feel tired, because unfortunately your brain is on drugs. I call it Walls. When your mind is so blank that you feel euphorically exhausted and you want to dance with all the cold and warm surfaces around you.
You want to feel their vibrations and energy. You could roll your eyes back and forth with every touch because of the delightful feeling you get. It almost feels as if the walls are swallowing you and you are dancing within them. The door becomes soft and elastic, yet the floor remains hard, with some few places that feel like quicksand. You dont bother yourself with these conditions because there is nothing to be bothered by.

No anxiety or negative thought could penetrate your blank wall and empty mind because the idea of a blank mind is so strong and tempting that the task of not doing anything is possible. Your body is like a ductile rubberband. It feels so light and heavy. 
Too indecisive to choose one and to let one go.

"How does it feel to be blank?" My shrink asked.

I guess that was the topic for today's session. Now how do I explain it to him.

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