Ah... He hadn't got as far as deciding what to wear yet. He settled on some black skinny jeans and a white shirt, leaving the top few buttons undone showing off the necklace Hitoshi had gotten him for his birthday. It was a silver chain with a small lightning bolt hanging off it to resemble his quirk. It was Kaminari's favourite. He quickly fixed his hair and sprayed on some cologne, another one of Hitoshi's favourites and made his way back to the kitchen.

"Oh my god" Kaminari gasped. In just  a matter of minutes Kirishima had transformed the kitchen and dining space.  All the mess that Kaminari had created was gone. Kirishima had hung up fairy lights and layed the table. There were candles and rose petals and there was soft music playing in the background. It looked like a completely different space.

"How did you-"

"Magic my little electric friend" Kirishima grined as he pulled out a chair for Kaminari to sit on.

"You guys are amazing" Kaminari whispered as he marveled at the work his two friends had done. He was truly blessed to have these two in his life.

"Right, everything is done" Bakugou huffed as he made his way into the dining area "All you have to do is serve it, can you manage that Pikachu?"

"S-sure" Kaminari stuttered.

"Okay, we're gonna go before Shinso gets back. Good luck Kaminari!" Kirishima grinned before he and Bakugo made their way to the door.

"Wait!" Kaminari shot up from his seat and threw his arms around his two best friends, pulling them both into a group hug. "Thank you!" he mumbled into Kirishima's shoulder.
Kirishima returned the hug and Bakugo just rolled his eyes, pushing the blonde off him. He'd never actually admit it out loud but he actually enjoyed the dumb pikachu's friendship.

"You got this" Kirishima replied, giving Kaminari a small pat on the back.

The two boys made their way over to the door and were met with the tired eyes of Kaminari's boyfriend Hitoshi.

"Hey Shinso! We were just heading out, nice to see you man!" Kirishima laughed nervously, pulling his fiancé along behind him. Bakugou just nodded in Hitoshi's direction, mumbling in annoyance at Kirishima pulling his arm.

"Erm yeah, you too. Bye guys" Hitoshi waved as the two boys made their way into their apartment. "Why were they in such a rush?" it wasn't like either of them to rush out so quickly, they spent a lot of time at each others apartments hanging out, so it wasn't uncommon for them to be there.

"I erm... Have a suprise for you" Kaminari mumbled, looking down toward the floor. He was incredibly nervously and  despite the fact that he'd been dating his boyfriend since high school he still got ridiculous shy around him.

"You do?" Hitoshi asked "is it anything to do with that amazing smell?" he grinned as he pulled his boyfriend into a hug, placing a kiss on the top of his head.

"Maybe..." Kaminari giggled as he pulled out of the hug "c'mon, I'll show you".

Kaminari made Hitoshi close his eyes as he guided him into the dining area.

"Okay, you can look now..."

Hitoshi couldn't believe what he was seeing, was this the same room? It looked so elegant, he couldn't believe this was all his boyfriends doing.

"This is beautiful Denki..."

"I erm, had some help" Kaminari admitted "I tried to cook you a nice meal because I know you've been a bit down a-and stressed lately, but it went horribly wrong. So I called Kirishima and he and Bakugou came over and helped. This was all them, I-i can't take any of the credit".

MHA One shots. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt