"Good evening, ma'am!" She greets brightly. "Do you have a reservation?" Her eyes pass over Siyeon's attempt at fancy clothing -- A cheap, dark teal trouser suit and her black Doc Martens. A mix of practicality and smart. Yoohyeon had offered her heels, but Siyeon vehemently refused the dangerous-looking things.

"I believe the table is reserved under Jo and Jeon." She grins cheesily at the waitress again, her nervousness dragged out through the smile.

"Let me just check that." She walks behind the desk and looks down at an open book there. "Ah, here it is. Reservation for eight o'clock in one of our private rooms. If you follow me, I'll escort you there." She starts to move off down a well-lit corridor separate to the main restaurant.

Siyeon can already see which room they were heading to, obvious by the beefy men standing tall outside of the door.

The waitress stops abruptly outside and Siyeon walks right into her. She rights Siyeon carefully with a hand at her waist and shoulder.

"Sorry." Siyeon flushes.

"That's quite alright, ma'am. Here you are."

"Thank you." Siyeon nods and turns to the men as the waitress leaves. "Are they already inside?"

"Yes, Siyeon." The beefiest one says, no formality to his words. They were on good terms with each other and she winks at him.

"You two here as protection?" Siyeon asks the obvious.

"Yeah." The other one says. "We aren't the only ones. There's more assassins inside."

"Wow. Thank goodness they're taking their safety seriously." She sighs in a little relief, knowing it would be much harder for Handong to try and kill them.

She opens the door into the wide room. In the centre, a circular table takes up most of the space.

Heejin and Haseul sit together at the side of the table furthest from her. Gahyeon sits next to Heejin and JiU next to Haseul, raising her eyebrows at Siyeon brightly. Behind them were four more assassins, these ones of much slender build.

"Evening, everyone." Siyeon greets them and sits on the chair next to JiU.

"Good evening, Siyeon." The two Heads greet.

Heejin looks over at her as she sits next to her. "I've already ordered something as a starter for us all and our main meal. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all. Is it just us five meeting tonight?" She passes a look at the other assassins.

"Yes. You three are the only ones with the most information about the assassins. We can trust everyone here. Our safety is pertinent." Haseul nods coolly.

"Of course." She agrees empathetically and her fingers drum nervously on the table.

"Let's get down to business, shall we?" Heejin links her fingers together and holds their eyes.

"I'm sure that Mr Lee and Mr Hwang were murdered by the same person. Both had an envelope on their person with Handong's signature." Siyeon starts.

"What could her reasons for this be?" Heejin muses.

"But more importantly, how did she know where to find them and that they were the Heads of department in the company?" Haseul clarifies with a conspiratorial eyebrow raise. "You all realise what I'm suggesting."

"A spy." Gahyeon supplies simply. "That's the only regular source of information, unless she's managed to bug the place."

"And she'd need a spy to bug the place." JiU adds.

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