
942 18 3

Upon arrival at the 5 star restaurant, you were seated at a long table. Everyone say down amoungst each other as different conversations ran throughout until a small cute waitress came to serve you guys. She didn't seem familiar with all your fame which made it all the more better

"I'll have a steak, medium rare and the white wine sauce" Addison smiled closing her menu and adding it to the pile to be taken away
"i'll have the chicken brisket and some vegetables in soy sauce" Charli smiled
"I'll have the chefs choice along with your number" Chase smiled winking

I mentally facepalmed as i cringed at the line he just dropped, the entire table visibly facepalmed at his attempts. the waitress gave him a small blush before walking away with the menus

"really dude? on a family night?" Ondreaz said
"what? i think she's cute" Chase shrugged
"i think it's disgusting" Dixie shot
"of cause you do, you've always got a stick up your ass" Chase fired back
"excuse me?" i asked
"babe" Tayler said
"no, wait, i want your skinny ass to say that louder" i snapped
"you seem to be hearing impaired" Chase shot
"and you seem to be full of things to say" Liv said before sipping her wine

I began bouncing my knee up and down, my temper was getting the best of me and Chase's smirk look across from the table wasn't helping

"look, the man is just trying to score some love after a dry spell, no harm" Jaden shrugged
"So what exactly do you think i gave him for 2 years and 6 months? fresh air?" Charli asked
"that's not what i meant" Jaden sighed
"then what did you mean Jaden?" Addison asked
"c'mon babe, don't add gasoline to the fire" Bryce said

That's when i snapped

"no, i think it's pretty fucking funny that everytime Chase speaks or does anything inconsiderate and us girls jump in to speak on it and how disrespectful it is to do something that ducking cheap in front of your ex we need to be "babe don't do that" "babe just leave them" "babe this" "babe that" NO! It's a fucking family night Chase Hudson, keep your dick in your pants for fucking once and reconnect." i snapped "i wasn't even going to invite you until Tayler told me to"
"you shouldn't have anyways because everywhere i go i get bagered about Charli and i need to think about her! well what the fuck about me!" Chase said
"first of all, where the fuck did you get your clout off of? the first video of yours that hit a million likes has Charli in it! we didn't know who lil huddy was until Charli so sit your 5 dollar ass down and make change" i said my chest heaving

Chase went to open his mouth again but the waitress had come with a our food, handing it out. The rest of the night was silent.

i'mma be deadass with yall. ion like Chase.

⭐️drop something


 ࿐ྂExpected ࿐ྂ Tayler Holder जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें