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Emiliano's birthday was going well, speeches had been said and we were now eating at the table. Music was blaring and i had spoken to about 1/8 of my family. Everyone seemed very intrigued that i had had a child out of wedlock but married the father after his birth, others had caught feelings that they weren't invited to the wedding but honestly i didn't care.

I sat next to Cynthia, Kairo on my lap as we took silly selfies while Tayler fed him. Even though he was 2, feeding him took a village.

"Hey, i need to go to the bathroom, can you come with me"Cynthia asked "pregnancy bladder"
"oh i've been there before" i laughed "babe, i'm taking Cynthia to the bathroom, can you handle finishing feeding Kai?"
"what do you take me for? of cause i can feed my own son" Tayler said moving him into his lap
"yeah well last time i asked you to bath him you nearly flooded the house so" i recalled
"that was once!" he said "anyways why do girls always go to the bathroom in pairs or groups"
"so the man with the white van doesn't take us" i smiled walking to catch up with Cynthia.

We walked through the building into the restroom area. I opted to stay outside while she did her business. I sat on my phone, sending the girls some of the selfies Kai and I had taken and texting Addison to ask her where she was

"Oh my god. Melody, is that you?" an unmistakable voice said

oh fuck.


⭐️drop some ideas


 ࿐ྂExpected ࿐ྂ Tayler Holder Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu