7x09: The Flock

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My reactions while watching the episode...

- ok but I'm in love with Octavia's hair style (everyone's hair is so badass lately)

- damn it be looking like a giant spiderweb outside

- who the hell is this enemy? And how do they have this kinda of tech??

- "I do love me an unwinnable war" we know Diyoza, we know

- Emori and Madi. A beautiful, underrated friendship

- sorry Nikki but Raven isn't even on the planet right down

- Murphy looks so heartbroken and IT HURTS

- Nikki is DEFINITELY a criminal because she just had Emori give the classic hostage line

- "I am 150 pounds wet" has the same energy as "I am 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defense"

- Indra is so done with EVERYONE

- ok no trace of our friends but WHERE IS GAIA??!!! CAUSE SHE ISN'T WITH THEM LIKE EVERYONE THINKS

- Levitt overseeing their training

- AND OCTAVIA DEFENDING HIM (I'm such a Letavia shipper sorry)

- "for all mankind" = "for the Primes"

- Hope looks way too overconfident (but I can see why)

- Anders bringing up Dev was so not fair

- Octavia and Diyoza fistbumping when she defeats her opponent is BROTP LEVEL 10

- reprogramming Siyiza by using Hope is low, even for a villain

- Diyoza holding her stomach after the weird vision session is so MOM

- I have to say it. I hate Sheidheda but I LOVE JR Bourne. He is such a phenomenal actor

- I'm so worried about their "deal" with Sheidheda

- making a "perfect" baby is so wierd

- I get that "it takes a village" but taking away a parental connection I don't like


- I see and understand why Hope is being stubborn, but she is really starting to piss me off

- Echo being the only one to pass the Fear Test makes so much sense

- Hope had a point "Echo is happy to have someone giving her orders again"

- shit, I feel like someone (hope) will go for Gemini

- damn Echo damn, thay was cold

- Levitt automatically going for Octavia (MY HEART)



- so I feel like Anders is gonna use Levit against Octavia in this "final test" because he has seen how close they are

- always protecting the kids MURPHY MY MAN

- Memori finally admitting who they actually are and people not actually believing him

- oh no Sheidheda telling them who he truly is (does Madi know its Sheidaheda)

- Murphy did form a weird friendship and respect for Hatch in their time together and using that was PERFECT

- nice timing for Indra and Wonkru (cutting it a little close tho)

- damn it Hope ENOUGH WITH THE REVENGE (it won't get you anywhere)

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