Chapter 13

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After a week, Denver and Star realized that me and Margo were serious. They called Margo and set up to meet us at our hotel room for brunch. 

We meet for brunch now?

Margo woke me up and made me get dressed.

"We might be able to check out tomorrow morning if this brunch goes good." Margo grinned.

"Hopefully. I just want an apology." I rolled my eyes.

Margo had the hotel make us different breakfast foods and all these other charges she wasn't going to pay for.

I was in a shitty mood.

Finally, Denver and Star showed up and sat down. We sat on two couches facing each other a coffee table filled with food in between us.

"Morning." Star greeted me after hugging Margo.

"Morning." I replied back.

Margo sat next to me and made herself a plate. Denver didn't speak to anyone.

"How long you guys gonna stay in this hotel?" Denver blurted.

"Until this little argument or fight or whatever is over." I shot back.

"And when do you guys think it'll end." Star popped a blueberry in her mouth.

"When people own up to their shit and apologize where an apology is due." I continued.

They were quiet.

"Exactly." I scoffed rolling my eyes.

Denver and Star were stubborn. And usually me and Margo were the ones to cave. Not this time.

"I'm not stepping foot in that house until this is resolved." Margo folded her arms.

"Well we're trying to resolve it right now." Denver spoke with attitude.

"Sitting here and not saying anything isn't resolving anything from where I'm sitting. Sitting in each other's faces over this brunch food isn't fixing anything cause I'm still mad and for whatever reason you guys have to be mad I bet you still are." I kept throwing shots.

Like I said, shitty mood.

"What do you want, Aracely. Because your the main one talking all hostile and shit." Denver raised his voice.

"I want an apology from both of you and I want both of you to own up to your shit." I raised my voice too.

"Fine we're sorry for accusing you for shit you didn't do and we're sorry for being shitheads. You happy now?!" Star interjected.

"I'm only happy if you mean it, sweetheart." I shot her a fake smile.

"If you guys truly mean it, we'll come back home tomorrow." Margo smiled.

"We do. We miss having you guys at home." Star elbowed Denver in his side.

"We do miss you guys." Denver confessed begrudgingly.

"Group hug!" Margo demanded standing up.

We all got up and hugged.

I knew Star and Denver were full of shit. But I didn't say anything because honestly I didn't care anymore. We had bigger shit to worry about than the two of them  being petty.

After brunch I got a call from Madame Zay.

"Hello?" I answered walking away from the three of them.

"I need your help." She answered simply.

I was gonna ask for more information but she hung up.

"Duty calls!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my car keys.

"Right now? But its broad daylight?" Star challenged.

"I don't know what's going on. Maybe she's expanding the family business." I rolled my eyes.

I kissed Margo and and headed for the door, heading straight to Madame Zay's house.


I pulled up to her house and went to the front door. I was about to knock on the door but it pushed open as my hand touched it.

"Madame Zay?" I called as I walked into the foyer.

Her house was something straight out of a catalog. Black and grey furniture with rose gold accents.

Madame Zay walked around the corner, blood sprayed across her face, neck, and body.

"Holy shit what happened to you?!" I screamed.

"I have something I need you to see." She stated simply then turned around and walked away.

I followed her and she went to the backyard of the house.

There was a body. A woman's to be exact. She led me closer and there laid my Aunt a single bullet hole to the side of her head.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It felt like my eyes were playing tricks on me. I looked from her Madame Zay.

"W-why? How did you-?" Was all I could muster.

"I wanted to prove my loyalty to you. Just as I've been asking you to prove your loyalty to me, I wanted to show that I'm loyal to you. If you need anything and I mean anything don't hesitate to ask." Madame Zay had men taking my Aunt's body away.

"How did you know?" I frowned.

"I've done my research." She smiled reassuringly.

At that moment I didn't know whether to be scared or sad or relieved. I had so many things balled into one, it was weird. But I felt like Madame Zay could be trusted. Just as I had proved her loyalty to me, she had done it just as fast. She had given me the one thing I had always wanted:


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