Chapter 3

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Denver and Star ran as fast as they could with the guy hoisted up on their arms. Me and Margo followed behind them to make sure nothing went wrong.

"I can't believe you agreed with her." Margo shook her head with her arms folded.

"I'm sorry but we need money and a place to stay because what happens when a realtor or someone comes to look at that place and find four under aged teenagers living there? We'll all get sent back to the hell holes we ran away from." I sighed.

"Fine. But I'm not getting involved with this." Margo rolled her eyes.

"Please, just trust me. I won't let anything happen to us. I promise." I held her hand.

We got to the ATM and they pushed him up against the camera and put the card in. To our surprise the max amount was $2,000.

They took the money out and put his card back in his wallet. 

"Ok what now?" Margo rubbed her temples.

"Leave him on that bus stop bench." I pointed to the bench that was in front of the convenience store.

"This is so messed up." Margo scoffed.

Me and Denver carried the man to the park bench and left him there the four of us running back to the house.

Ok pause. Admittedly, looking back on this it wasn't my proudest moments, BUT we did secure four thousand dollars in one night.

Was it morally wrong? Yes.

Did it result in me dying? Yes.

But did we survive? For the most part considering my circumstances now. We survived for the time being.

And I wish I could tell you that was the first and last bad thing we did that summer but I'd be lying to you and that is not my intention. Lying wouldn't help either me or you.

When we got back to the house Star put the money inside her mattress.

"I can't believe we just did that." Margo paced the room tears running down her face.

"Come here." I pulled her into my arms and she cried into my chest.

"Margo honey, I understand your goody two shoes momentum is stricken with grief but we just made four thousand dollars! That's the most amount we're ever gonna see coming from ourselves!" Star shrieked.

"Right! We keep this up and we'll be living better than our sorry excuse for parents!" Denver reasoned.

"I guess. But I'm not a part of this. You guys wanna go and be crazy and do this fine. But I'm not getting you out when it all goes to crap." Margo spat.

She went into the bathroom and slammed the door. 

"She'll be fine." Star reassured me.

I didn't know it then but that moment was the beginning to the end of me and Margo.

The next night me, Denver, and Star headed to a different club called Muse. Muse was notorious for big spenders and high rollers.

"Ok here's the plan. When you find a guy you offer to buy drinks. When the bartender comes with the drink you distract your guy and slip these in his drink." Star handed us both two pills one white and one purple.

"Make sure the pills dissolve before giving him the drink but also don't be awkward or he'll know. Once the pills dissolve get him the drink make sure he drinks it all. Once he drinks it all get him the hell out. The pills are going to work fast. Once you get him out hail a cab and go home. By the time your home he'll most likely be out cold." Star prepped us.

"Ok. Got it." Denver nodded.

We separated off to find our victims. We made sure to stay within a line of sight of each other.

Star got an older guy, Denver manged to secure an older gay guy, and I was nursing someone's grandfather who was in denial about his age.

"So where are you from?" He asked.

I had freshly ordered the drinks and were waiting for the pills to dissolve.

"Originally? I'm a Granada Falls natural, born and raised. And yourself?" I purred.

He went on about moving from place to place trying to find his stake in the world.

"Well, maybe your stake in the world could be wherever I am." I whispered seductively handing him the drink.

We made a toast and he threw back the vodka soda.

"Why don't we go somewhere more  private? How about my place?" I smiled.

He nodded eagerly and I shot a wink to Star who shot me the same gesture. We looked to Denver and he was already half way out the door.

Star and I rushed with our suitors into the cab where Denver was putting the seat belt on his guy.

"That was such an adrenaline rush." I whispered to Star.

"I know. Especially for first timers." Star winked.

Now that I have all knowledge and know everything, Star had done this at least dozens of times. It was just her second time of us witnessing her do this. Before she only did it for fun taking nothing more than two hundred dollars but now we needed a way out of our situation and this is what she saw fit.

We pulled up to the house our suitors limp on our shoulders.

Margo opened the front door and each of us laid the men on the mattresses.

Quickly, as we emptied their pockets Margo stood across the room watching us in horror. Locating the ATM cards we emptied the max amount, gave the men back their cards and dumped them on that same bus stop bench from last night.

This ordeal was an adrenaline rush I had never had before. We ran back to house giddy and giggling.

"How much did we make?" Star cheered.

"Five thousand!" Me and Denver cheered.

In two days we had racked up a grand total of nineteen thousand dollars. And that was just with the three of us. Imagine how much we would've made among the four of us.

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