How do you make pancakes? / (PR 1)

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          The sun shone down on Sam's face as he lay in his bed, wide-awake and not sure what to do. Pushing the covers off of himself, he made his way downstairs and over to the kitchen. He looked through each cabinet, not certain about what he should make. 

          Sam walked over to the couch, sitting down. Honestly, he didn't want to do anything today. He finally had a day away from his hectic job, his life outside his home, and now he wanted to have time for himself. After a few minutes, he heard the doorbell ring. 

          He groaned and dragged himself off of the couch and towards the door. When Sam opened the door, he didn't expect to see his neighbor, Castiel, standing in front of him. 

"Hello?" Sam yawned, dragging a hand across his face. 

          Castiel seemed a bit... nervous?

"Uhm, do you have any eggs I could borrow?" 

          Sam stared at him for a moment before answering. 

"Yeah, how many do you need?" 

2... I think," 

          Sam nodded before he turned back to the kitchen. As he made it over to the fridge, he turned around to see that Castiel wasn't behind him. 

          He's still at the door, isn't he?

          He walked back to the door to see that Castiel was still standing there. Sam motioned for him to come inside. 

"Free-range or organic?" Sam poked his head out from behind the refrigerator door. 

"I don't think it matters," 

"Organic it is." Sam ducked his head back down and pulled out a yellow carton of eggs, setting them down on the island. 

          Cas stood at the island, staring at the carton before Sam gave him the whole thing. 

"Just take all of it, Dean bought a strange amount of cartons last time..." 

          He nodded at Sam, glancing down at the eggs, then back at Sam as he began to walk away, then back at the eggs. 

"Wait-" Sam turned around to look at Castiel. "H-how do you make pancakes exactly?" 

"Alright then," Sam began, yet once again walking back into the kitchen. "Here's what you gotta do," 


          When the first batch of pancakes was finished, Dean had left his room, and was now making his way downstairs. He was surprised to see Cas cooking with Sam. 

"Hey, Cas," 

"Hello, Dean," He responded with a smile coating his face.

          Dean walked over to the pantry, grabbing the syrup. "So... pancakes?" 

"Mhm," Sam slid the last pancake off of the pan and onto the existing stack. "Alright, here you go," 

          Dean stuck his fork in the top of the stack and pulled two pancakes from it. Sam chuckled, doing the same thing. 


"I think it's time I head out," Castiel called out to Sam as he stood up and placed his plate in the sink.

          Before he could leave, Sam pulled out a Sharpie from a drawer and wrote his number down on the egg carton. He ran over to the front door to see Castiel walking down their driveway.

"Hey, Cas!" He turned around to see Sam jogging towards him. "I was serious about this," Sam said, handing the carton to Cas. 

"Oh," He took a second to look down at it. "Well, thank you." 

          With that, Castiel started to walk away, a smile across his face. Sam turned back to his home, his mind still going crazy. 



i'll say tho, the ending could've been better. 

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