I Love You Baby Don't leave me Ch 1

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A/N I don't own Victorious. there will be more chapters . sorry for any grammar mistakes in the story. please read review,comment, vote on this story thanks and enjoy the story:)

Freddie came home and broke his news to his girlfriend slowly, as tears came down her cheek as Freddie was talking to his girlfriend Carly the news he had just received a few hours ago. "when do you leave babe?" Carly muttered quietly. Carly flashed back to the memories that she had with her boyfriend Freddie.

Freddie left the room  to start packing for his deployment to Afghanistan. Carly was crying a lot more harder as she watched Freddie bring his deployment bags out into the living room. Carly Ran into Freddie's arms and cried her heart out for him.

Freddie called her bestfriend to come over and comfort his girlfriend while he was packing his car up , Freddie frowned at the lostness in Carly's eyes he was devasted that he had to leave but he got orders from the Airforce and he had to leave tonight no exceptions.

Sam sat and comfort her bestfriend from depression, Freddie stepped out of the apartment and Carly wailed more aggressively saying" I still love him,Sam" and Sam rubbed her shoulders and cofort her even more.

" we can only hope your favorite guy will be home soon carls " Sam looked for light. when Freddie walked back into the apartment wanting something from her as he leaned down getting ready to kiss her.Carly squealed happily as Freddie started having a heated makeout secession with her and she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck sinking into the love and passion between them.

Sam smiled as her  bestfriend started kissing Freddie a whole  lot more aggressively than when she started kissing him.

Carly cuddled closer to Freddie and continued to kiss him more lovingly until Sam had to pry Carly off of her boyfriend.

Carly's tears came down her cheek more quicker as Freddie grabbed the last of his stuff out of their bedroom and took it down to his car.

Gibby heard loud screams and stepped in with Spencer, Spencer had a worried look on his face after he saw Carly crying in Sam's shoulders on the couch.

Gibby and Spencer helped her crying stop and get over her sadness for Freddie and Spencer decided to make spaghetti tacos for her.

Spencer had the tacos ready but she was too sad to eat anything at the moment. Spencer spent the evening trying to contribute his help for her to cheer up.

Gibby and Sam came back the next day to see if she wanted to do anything fun all she wanted to do was kiss Freddie but she would just sit on the couch with her palm laying on her chin as she drifted off into space.

Sam had come up with a plan to help Carly get through her depression since Freddie had left she had done nothing but pouted the whole time.

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