Chapter 6

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Fitz's POV

 After Sophie pulled back, Linh started blasting her with water, knocking her up against the wall. I could see that Sophie was slowly drowning, and I had to do something, so I tackled Linh to the floor.

Linh's POV

While I was making Sophie pay, I felt someone tackle me. Fitz! I yelled angrily, let go of me! "No" He said through clenched teeth. "I won't let you hurt Sophie!" Since I couldn't  get free, I started yelling at Sophie for betraying me. 

Sophie's POV

 When Fitz tackled Linh, I cryed tears of relief. Once Linh realized she couldn't move, she started yelling at me. 

"Sophie! How could you!" She screamed. "Why did you betray me?! I asked you to stay away from him, and you didn't!"

I didn't betray you Linh, I said softly, then my voice got louder. I didn't betray you Linh! I yelled. You threatened me and said I would pay! I never did anything to you! I said, tears streaming down my cheeks. 

Everyone was shocked. "Wait, Linh, you threatened Sophie?" Biana asked incredilously. 

Linh whispered a quiet "Yes." Fitz gave Linh to Keefe. "Are you okay Sophie?" He asked, concern in his beautiful teal eyes. 

Yeah, thanks to you, I said with a small smile.

Keefes POV

I almost couldn't stand it. The way Sophie looked at Fitz. I wanted her to look at me the same way, but I knew it would never happen. I knew that it was time to let go, so I did. No one noticed as I led Linh into the guest room. 

" What are we doing in here?" she demanded, her voice hoarse from screaming. Linh, I said hesitantly, I know you like Fitz, actually, everyone does now, but I think you need to let go.

Linh's POV

You're right, I whispered. I've been a monster, and I need to let go and apologize to Sophie.  Keefe nodded. "Don't worry, I had to let go of someone. We all knew that they would get together, but I think you and me just didn't want to believe it." He said with a sad smile.

 And with that, I knew that I loved Keefe. He was right, and I needed to let go. I gave a smile, took his hand and we walked back to Biana's room. 

(Sorry it's so short)

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