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~2 Person~

   The days came and went; work,feed cedar, sleep repeat. But the one thing that never failed to brighten your day was the chaotic group chat. Sometimes it was weird late night thoughts or about new anime. You had friends but they were the quieter then the others. Over the next month you grew really close to Amanda, She became like a best friend to you. 

   You opened the door to your apartment to be greeted by Cedar. She rubbed in between your legs, purring very loudly."Hey Cedar, did you miss me?" You asked, She meowed back at you and sauntered off into another room. You put the groceries on the counter; you weren't the best cook but you don't burn the house down! You filled up the pot and waited for it to boil. After a couple minutes it was boiling and put the noodles in. The noodles got done and you mixed the sauce in. 

     A hour later you had eaten, and were cuddling with cedar on your bed. You got a FaceTime call from Liz, you answered and saw Her and Amanda. "Hi!" You said waving to them.

"Hi!""Hey (Y/N)" They replied with a smile and wave. "What are you up to?" Liz asked

"Well, I just ate and now I'm cuddling with cedar." You answered, turning the camera to show cedar, They said hi to cedar and then you turned it back around.

"What's going on with you guys?"You asked them.

"We are getting into cosplay to make some tiktoks." Amanda explained.

"Then why are you FaceTiming me!" You said giggling at them.

"It's because we miss you!" Liz whined, while Amanda laughed "And to ask you something." She added.

You looked confused,"What is it?"

Amanda spoke up,"Do you want to come over to our house for a week? Everyone else is going to come and We are tired of looking at each other's faces."

"Yeah I don't like your face." Liz added, You were now very excited. It was boring here and since you were going to school online you could take it with you. The only thing was work, but you had more vacation, so you were good!

"Yeah! I would love too,"You replied," When should I come?"

"Well, Nikki and Rachel are coming tomorrow; And Uptown and Kion are coming the next day, so really anytime would be good." Liz said taking the phone from Amanda. 

"Ok! I will get a plane ticket and be there as soon as I can! Bye Guys!" You said excitedly

"Bye" "Bye (Y/N)!" They said as You ended the call. You looked at Cedar, who was laying on you almost asleep.

"I'm going to leave you soon again." You said to a indifferent Cedar. She just rolled over,"I'm glad you will miss me; and you don't just love me for the food. Ok I need to look at tickets." You pulled up the website on your phone. After twenty minutes the fight was booked. 

 'Now to pack... again...' You thought to yourself getting up. 

~Time Skip!~

  You had an hour to your flight and were saying goodbye to Cedar. She was meowing at you and you responded with a yes and an I know. You kissed her on the head right between the ears. If you don't do that with your cat, you aren't doing it right. You grabbed your suitcase and walked out the door and out to the car. You texted Liz to tell her you were getting on the plane and would be there in a couple hours.

                                                                               I'm getting on my plane now, be there in a couple hours!-    

Liz-Ok! See then.

  You were in a window seat and would look out the window at the clouds. It was very relaxing, after a couple hours you arrived at the Airport. You got your suitcase and walked out to the lobby. Soon you saw Liz, Amanda, Nikki and Rachel. They were flaging you down, when you got there you gave them hugs. You didn't expect them to be there, but you were wrong.

"I didn't expect you to be here!" You said hugging Liz. After that you stood with them chatting about life.

"Well, Kion and Uptown are flying in around the same time so we decided to pick you guys up!" Nikki said cheerfully. 

"Now We are waiting on them." Rachel said to you. 

   You guys talked for about twenty minutes, telling funny stories and just catching up. Until a loud familiar voice yelled out.

"Hey!" Uptown yelled at us, Kion was next to Uptown with a hand over their face. You burst out laughing at the scene in front of you. They walked over and you gave them hugs and They hugged the others. 

"Ok, lets go out to the car and get going!" Liz exclaimed and walked out of the airport doors. You and the others followed. When you saw the car you were perplexed. You put your suitcase in the back. Uptown and Kion got into the back and then Rachel and Nikki were in the front, and Liz was behind you. Amanda got into the back and sat down.

"We all can't fit in the car-" You started then you were shoved in the car. You fell onto Amanda's lap. On the way to their house all you could think was 'AHHHHH'


Hi! Sorry for the gap, I got some writer's block but I am back. See you in the next chapter guys! - The (Awkward) Author

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