Chapter 1: The Good Girl

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Hyunae's P.O.V:

My name is Kim Hyunae. I'm a freshman at Seoul National University. I'm majoring in performing arts. Most of my classmates are girls, including my best friend and roommate Lee Seyeon. There are a few boys. Including Park Young. He's a year older than me in age but still a freshman. He's kind of a bad boy. Oh yeah, and my crush. Of course, the class deemed "good girl" has a crush on the "bad boy." "It's like in dramas!" Seyeon always says. I roll my eyes at her every time. "I don't need my life to be a drama," I shove her slightly. She giggles and my brother, Kim Myung, comes behind her to scare her. Before he can a point at him and she turns around. "Dammit Hyunny, I had my chance," he laughs. I wince at the nickname, "Don't call me that." Myung widened his eyes and realized his mistake, " Shit Ae, I'm sorry," I roll my eyes and take a deep breath, "Its alright."

A small back story. At the beginning of my senior year of high school and Myungs freshman year of college, our whole family was out on a road trip. It was about a week before the first day of school. We were driving down a windy road in the rain. Myung and I were watching something on his phone, I don't remember what it was exactly, while my parents were talking about some show they watch. Myung and I started laughing at what we were watching and my mom, who wasn't driving, turned around and asked, "what are you two laughing at?" "Nothing Eomma," I say. She smiled at me, "alright Hyunny." That was the nickname she gave me when I was a baby. Anyway, she turned around and I looked up and saw my dad smiling at me from the mirror. "What Appa?" I giggle and he looks away, "nothing Hyunny." Skipping the details, for my mental health, basically, we did not make it to our destination that night. Before I knew it, my parents were gone and I had to live with Myung because he was my only adult. Somehow, he and I were almost completely unscathed from what happened, at least physically.

Myung scratched his head. It had just passed the anniversary of what happened so I was super sensitive. "Shiiiit Ae, I feel bad now. Can I make it up to you?" Before I could answer, Myungs best friend walks up and grabs his shoulder. I should mention, Young is his best friend, of course. I immediately looked down at my phone, "don't worry about it, a simple mistake,"  I hear Young chuckle, "Did you call her that name again?" he smirks at me. He and Myung have known each other for 3 years so he knows the old nickname. "Uh, yea.," Myung says while dropping his head. Seyeon nudges me and I look up at her. She smiles that usual "looook your crush is here!" smile that friends give each other. I look away and stand up. "I'm gonna head to class," I say and see Young's expression change. I don't think much of it. Seyeon stands up and starts walking with me. I can feel Young staring at me, which sent chills down my spine. "See yaa Ae!" I hear Myung call. I smile and we head to class. 


Authors Note: Any picture I use are literally google search results so Hyunae and Young and whoever else might look a little different between pictures. Don't worry about it XD

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