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Allison walked into her father's study, gazing around the cold room. She came to a stop at his desk and bent over to see what was behind it after hearing some noise.

"Klaus?" she asked. Klaus popped his head out from underneath the desk, looking around in shock that someone had found him. His eyes rested on Allison and he immediately relaxed. "What're you doing?" Allison continued.

Klaus stood up from behind the desk and walked over to his sister. "Oh, hi sis. I haven't seen you in so long. Too long," he said, and pulled her into a hug. "While I'm here, can I have your autograph? Add it to my collection," he said, a sing-song tone in his voice. Allison laughed and held his wrist, revealing a white plastic bracelet.

"Just out of rehab?" she deduced.

"Oh, no. I'm done with all that. I came here to see if Dad's really gone," he said gravely. "And he is! Yay!" he exclaimed happily, making Allison smile. "Do you know how I know? Because if he wasn't then not a single one of us would be allowed to even set foot in this room."

"Sir, the children are ready for bed," Grace said, a smile on her face as always. She got no response from the old man so she opened the study door, all of the children waiting behind in their bed clothes. Klaus and Evelyn were slumped against the door frame, not really bothering, not really caring. The rest of the children stood tall and proudly, smiles on their faces. Apart from Vanya, who stood there, anxious as always. They all stood for a few seconds, waiting for their father to acknowledge them, but he was busy scribbling away in his notebook. He was always scribbling away. Their smiles slowly faded, realising that they'd never be as important as they wished they would.

"Come on, now. Time for bed," Grace ushered, hiding her disappointment as best as possible. The children slowly dispersed, leaving Allison alone. "Come now, Allison," her mother said. "Your father's busy."

"He's always busy," said Allison, disappointed in her father for not even recognising they were there, not even saying a simple goodnight.

Allison shook the flashback out of her mind and laughed at Klaus, swallowing her emotions. Klaus crossed over to his father's chair, sat in it and crossed his legs on the desk. "Always looking at us with that scowl on his face," Klaus continued. "Good thing we aren't related to him so we can't inherit those cold, dead eyes," he said, holding his eyes open widely with his fingers, and yelped at the end of the sentence. "Number Three..." he said in a silly accent.

"Get out of his chair," Luther ordered. Klaus followed his directions.

"Wow, you, uh, really filled out," he said and held his arms up as if to show off his own muscles.

"Klaus," Luther warned. Klaus went to walk out of the room but got stopped by Luther. "Drop it," he said.

"Ex-squeeze me?" Klaus said, not really a question in his voice but a defiance instead.

"Drop it," he repeated.

"Ugh, fine," he said and walked to the middle of the room, taking out various objects from various places of his clothes. Allison suppressed a laugh at her brother, stealing whatever he could get his hands on. "Just an advance on our inheritance. No need to get your panties in a bunch," he whined, holding on to his genital area to symbolise his point.

Once out of the room, Klaus pulled an ornate box out of his trousers and kissed it.

"Klaus is still Klaus, in case you're wondering," Luther informed Allison.

"After all these years, I find it strangely comforting," Allison chuckled.

"What's with Diego's costume?"

"I know, right."

"Do you think he wears it in the bathroom?" Luther asked, a joking tone in his voice.

"Like in the shower?" Allison questioned.

"Yeah," Luther said, a bit shy.

"Absolutely." Allison laughed breathily and Luther showed a wide grin.

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