chapter 6

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Maleek's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, I groan and check the caller ID making me the more upset.

Why does she have to call early in the morning.

Ugggghh this girl is stressing me out, I have to break up with her very soon.

I decide on not picking the call, instead I checked the time and I gasp, its 8:30, ya Allah I haven't prayed subhi.

Last night's party took a toll on me.

Getting up wasn't such a good idea I guess, because my head feels like a hammer was being pound over and over again, a hangover, I curse myself for taking much vodka last night.

Taking some aspirin pills I forced myself and head to the bathroom.

Not long after I was done, she called me again.

I picked up and her annoyingly high pitched voice came through causing me to pull the phone from my ear.

"Hey baby, how are you" she chirped.

I cringed at the name 'baby', not that the word is not sweet enough but coming out from her it's something else, seriously am starting to regret why I start dating her.

"Am fine how was your night"

"Last night was amazing" she replied giggling like a school girl.

"Hhmm" i hummed, a friend of mine threw a party because he has accomplished his mission regarding his business, and she was my date.

"Don't tell me you didn't remember" she said in astonishment.

"Remember what" my heart start to beat faster than normal, and I curse myself the second time for being high last night.

I hope nothing happened, I may be not so religious but am not one to sleep around with girls, that's just not me.....shit am screwed, I can already picture my already disappointed father chopping off my head, or maybe........

".......and oh my God the kissing part"

"What, what were saying?" I asked after hearing her previous sentence.

"Were you not listening" she sound disappointed "you're really a good kisser baby" she literally purred.

Who does that!!

"Iman tell me what exactly happened, right now" I replied in a cold tone leaving no room for games.

She huffed

"Nothing happened, just a little make out session, that's all"

I heave a sigh of relief.

"But why are you so scared, I don't see what's there, you're already my boyfriend and we are going to get married sooner or later ,then why be so scared" she asked.

"Look just don't start ok, I told you so many times, am not the 'sex before marriage type of guy' just drop it will you" I replied feeling frustrated.

And who the hell do you think is marrying you! Not me

"Ok, ok! No need to be all fussy about it"

"But am so upset with you" she continued making me roll my eyes "I told you I was having a flight to Italy this morning and you promised to see me off but you didn't, so I decide to call and know why" she replied.

"Sorry" I apologized reluctantly "I had a hangover"

"Oh ok" she didn't even care to ask about the headache, who am I kidding she doesn't care "but you're gonna make it up to me for sure right baby"she said the last bit in a flirty tone.

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