"Okaaaay?? I'll just pretend not to hear anything just now." You finally finished cleaning and kept the cleaning tools back to its place.

"Ehhh~ I finally got to see you today and you're going to ignore me? I'm hurt, (Y/n)~!" Tsukasa put his hands right at his heart and pretended to be sick.

You who already knew how drama queen he is just walked pass him and prepared some sweets and tea. He and his jokes were really taking too far sometimes. You knew he was joking about the crush since he always fooling around you.

"Yea yea whatever. You should be glad that I didn't kick you out."

"You will never do that to me~!"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because you love me~!"

"Ah, shit. Here we go again with the Tsukasa's logic."

"I thought we already stop breaking the fourth wall?"

"I didn't break it."

"(Y/n), you just did-"

"Shush! Quiet you. No one knows!"

Tsukasa took a glance at your face. "But everyone who reads this know?"

You mentally facepalmed yourself. "Okay, stop with the fourth wall. What do you want, Tsukasa?"

The boy was giggling hard looking at your pissed face. "Nothing~ I just want to see you~ I miss you!"

"Uhhh.. But I don't want to see you?"

"Mou, (Y/n) being a tsundere~! Kawaii~!"

You took a sip of your tea before looked at him. "I am not a tsundere."

"You are~!"

"Well, I'm not Sakamaki Subaru so shut up."

"But I can relate you with him!"

"I also can relate you with Sakamaki Kanato."

"He's cute like me~! Wait, why we're talking about another anime characters in JSHK?"

You made a wheeze sound and tried not to laugh at that fact. "Let's talk about something else. How's Amane?"

Tsukasa's face beamed when heard his twin brother's name.

"Amane is fine! But he keep playing around with Yashiro! That's unfairrr~ I want to spend my time with him too! " The ghost kept rambling about his twin nonstop.

Meanwhile you were too lazy to pay attention and just nodded or said "Oh, really?" when Tsukasa looked at you for reaction. You knew this boy can talk about Amane for three hours straight. Of course, how can't he?

He LoVeD HiS TWin VeRy MuCh-!

"(Y/n), you're listening?"

"Yes, I am. Please continue."

Tsukasa looked at you and frowned. "I know you're lying."

"Well, you can't expect me to listen your rambling about Amane for hours."


"I don't love Amane so much like you do."

"That's true. Hmm~ Then how about we play a game?"

"As long as no one get hurts, I'm fine with it."

"Eh, that's boring~!"

You gave a glare at the boy. Seriously, how dangerous can Tsukasa be? Because you got the feeling this boy is extremely dangerous and hot- NO! Don't let his smile charm you, (y/n)!

"Then let's play truth or dare! I'll go first!"

You sighed and smiled at his energetic self. "Okay, then. Truth or dare, Tsukasa?"


"Ohoo~ Go to the person you love so much and said I love you at them!"

Tsukasa let out a giggle. "That's easy~! Wait here!" and he's gone to find Amane.

You chuckled and waited for him. After 5 minutes, he came back with a  big smile on his face.

"Amane said he love me too~"

"Yeah, of course he love you. You're his twin."

Tsukasa stood for awhile and stared at you. You realised this and looked at him back.

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't finished my dare yet."

Your face clearly shown that you were confused as hell. "Wha-"

Tsukasa grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him, making you faced him.

"I love you, (y/n)~!" he said with a grin before he let you go.

You can feel the blush creeped to your face. Tsukasa sat back at his seat and gave you his evil smile. He loved it when you being so shy and red.


You slowly turned to see him. "Wh- what?"

"Don't you have something to say?"

You were mumbling some words and he can't heard it very clearly. Maybe you were cussing him for being a tease.

You took back your seat and fidgeting around. Your eyes were looking around except Tsukasa. Your heart just can't take the critical damage he gave at you just now.

"(Y/n)? Let's continue our game~"

"Ah, yes.. And.."

"I love you too."

Tsukasa grinned at you before poked your cheek.

"You really a tsundere, (y/n)~"

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun x [Reader]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz