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Tsukasa x Reader!

Well, Tsukasa is being Tsukasa so bear with it.. Btw ENJOY!

You are giggling and blushing like a mess, to engross with your dating sim game AKA MYSTIC MESSENGER EYYY- You don't even realise that Tsukasa is floating behind you, looking very pissed at your phone.

"Ne, ne, (y/n)~ Play with me already! I'm boredddd!!"

You doesn't give a fuck and keep playing your phone.

"OHMAIGOSH WHY SAERAN IS SO CUTE!!! SEVEN, WHERE ARE YOU COME BACK TO SAERAN!! SKSNSNDJS" You fangirl like a madman. Can't denying Saeran's cute charm, you keep playing.

Tsukasa who doesn't like being ignored pout and grab your phone. "Tsukasa, give back my phone!" you protest and try to snatch back your beloved phone.

Keywood : try

"Nooooopeee! You gotta play with me first!"

"Sorry but my Saeran is more important than you. Gimme back my phone! A new chatroom is going to be open and I don't want to miss a second!"

"Well, I don't care~"

"Give back my phone."

"Make me."


You start chasing him around the empty classroom. Tsukasa and you always hanging around at the empty classroom after school since Tsukasa said Sakura didn't want to play with him (more to fuck off HAHAHAHA sorry). You being one of the students that can see him got targeted when you first saw him at the rooftop.




Hanako mentally facepalm when he heard that voice. He was peacefully hanging out with Yashiro at the rooftop while waiting for (y/n) to come. They already promised to each other that they will meet here today because (y/n) said she will bring some donuts from a new shop that just opened yesterday.

But his goddamn twin just had to ruin everything by his presence.

"Amane~!! I miss you so muchhhh!!"

Hanako just keep quiet as he let his twin kiss him all over his face. Yashiro who sat besides Hanako ignored them and kept reading her magazine. Looking at the hot boys and new clothes all that.

"Amane, let's play! Ne, ne! Say something!"

Hanako sighed. "Something."


"You told me to say something and I did!"

" *gasp* I DID?!"

Hanako almost let out a curse while Tsukasa was laughing loudly at his fucking ears.

"Hanako, Yashiro. I'm back! I got bunch of donut flavors here.. Lets ea- uhmm.." You stopped talking when you saw there's another boy..


"Uhhh, what happened?"

"Nothing! Gimme my donuts!"

Hanako pushed Tsukasa away and went to you. He grabbed your arm and basically hide himself behind you. You realised this and raised an eyebrow.

"Oooohhh!! Are you my brother's girlfriend?!"

Yashiro let out a loud cough before smiling at you. "(Y/n), let just ignore him and eat, shall we?". You shrugged. "Yeah, we should."

Tsukasa frowned as he was ignored by three of them. He watched Hanako, Yashiro and you were sitting together while started eating the donuts. You guys were talking happily about something.

And he didn't like it.

So what he did was..

Jumped between Hanako and you as he basically landed on you.

"Oof-! What's wrong with you?!"

"Play with me!"


"So your name is (y/n) right? I'm Tsukasa! Amane's twin!"

"Okay, so?"

Hanako stiffed his laughter as he watched your I-don't-care-so-fuck-off attitude at his twin.

"Play with me! Let's play hide and seek!"

"Why should I?"

"Because I said so!"


Since then, Tsukasa always bugging you everywhere and anytime he wants even in the class.

//end flashback//

"You li'l piece of shit! Give back my phone!"

You are chasing him with all your might as Tsukasa playfully floating anywhere at the hallway. His laughter can be heard from the end of the hallway.

"Try catch me then!"

"Well, I'm trying! Stop moving!"

"Ehhh, don't want! What's so interesting about this game anyway?" Tsukasa look at your phone and touch the screen randomly.


"Well, how many time I see this guy here in your phone, I think that I'm still cuter than him."

"Pft- nice joke."

Tsukasa fly towards you suddenly and grab both of your cheek. "I mean he can't do this to you right?".

"Do what? What are you-"

You feel a pair of cold lips on yours. Tsukasa pull back after a minute and grin widely as your face turn into a tomato.

"Oooh, you're blushing!"

You snap and try to push him away from your face. "I- I'm not!"

"Eh, just say that you like me!"

"Since when I like you?!"

"Random people will yell if you kissed them, you know! But you didn't. So that's mean you like me! Yaaaayyy!"

"What kind of logic is that?!"

"That's what you called Tsukasa's logic."

"Never heard of them! Dammit, screw that! Give back my phone!"

Tsukasa laugh and he hold your phone high as high as he can. "Not until you admit."

"Ugh, shitty brat."

"Excuse me whattt?? I can't hear youuuu~"


"I'm waiting, (y/n)~"


"Talk louder please~ I can't hear you~"

"...like you.."

"Still can't hear you~"


Tsukasa grin widely as he hand back your phone.

"I like you too~"


Hanako stare at you two with his orange eyes.

"So you're saying you guys are dating now?"

Tsukasa hug you tightly as he nuzzle his face with yours. "Yup! (Y/n) is mine now so you can't touch her anymore!"

You roll your eyes, giving up with Tsukasa's possessive attitude. He won't let you go even for a minute!

Hanako let out a sigh. "Well, good luck (y/n)".

"Thanks, I really need that."

Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun x [Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن