Dumbledore's Army

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Chapter 54: Dumbledore's Army

A week later, while Harry was in detention for a remark about Professor Quirrell, Ron, Hermione and I were talking. Fred was with George. They were always off doing something secretive.

"Ron and I were thinking," started Hermione.

"Heaven forbid the day Ron actually thinks!" I said with a laugh.

Hermione couldn't help but laugh. Ron scowled.

"As I was saying, Ron and I were thinking that we should start a Defense Against the Dark Arts group for students who actually want to learn. We were thinking you could teach it."

My face went dark.

"I already stand out in my house for hanging out with Gryffindors and standing up to Dumbridge. I don't need to stand out further. Besides, I wouldn't make a very good teacher. Why don't you ask Harry? It'd make more sense really."

"Oh," said Hermione.

"Told ya she'd say no," said Ron.

I poked him in the ribs.


"You deserved that!" I turned to Hermione. "Look, if Harry has a good excuse not to do it then I'll do it and if he's unable to do for any reason, then I'll take over for those lessons, okay?"


Ron keeps grumbling. I check the time.

"Crap. I need to go quickly. If I don't hurry I'll be in trouble."

"I didn't think you were getting given detentions anymore."

"Not from Dumbridge, no. But others can still give them to me."

"I do wish you'd stop calling her Dumbridge."

"Why shouldn't I? I mean she is pretty dumb."

Hermione frowned.

"See ya!"

I hurried back to the Slytherin Common Room.

"Where've you been?" asked Draco.

"Gryffindor Common Room. Why?"

"You should stop hanging out with the Gryffindors. They're trouble."

"If you don't shut up, then you'll be in trouble."

His eyes widened.

"You wouldn't."

"I most certainly would."

He just kind of stared at me. I turned and walked into the Girl's Dormitory.

The following day I learned that Harry had said no to teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"What excuse did he give?"

"None, really."

"Then you should keep pestering him until he does."

Two weeks later Hermione asked Harry again about teaching DADA.

"Fine," he said.

Our first Hogsmeade trip for the year was the following week. We met in the Hogshead and all who was interested in being taught Defense Against the Dark Arts went there. I was the only Slytherin. 29 people in all signed up for the lessons. We called ourselves 'Dumbledore's Army'.

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