I lightly laughed at that. Grandma will get a kick out of that one.

"Ooh! Ooh! Shut up, this is my favorite song!" Dewey exclaimed before bursting into a song from a musical called "Feathers." I rolled my eyes. He's such a theatre kid.


5 hours in and we stopped at a little fish and fries place. It wasn't in the middle of nowhere, per say, it just wasn't surrounded by many restaurants.

Nothing too much happened. The kids sat at the booth behind us, and seemed to be chatting happily and having the times of their lives. Uncle Donald even let all of them order ice cream.

I sat at the table with Uncle Donald and Uncle Scrooge and it was... awkward? Yeah, awkward is definitely how I would describe it.

"So... Have you ever been out to the farm, Uncle Scrooge?" I asked.

He grumbled in response. "Unfortunately," was his answer which made me grimace. Can he stop brooding for 5 seconds, please? I sure hoped he cheered up by the time we got there. Grandma would have none of his attitude, besides, the farm is fun. Relaxing.

I decided to move to the table with the kids, and we all chatted happily with each other. I ordered a milkshake and listened to the kids go on about their adventures and school for the boys, and homeschool for Webby. I was more than happy to listen to them talk and be carefree kids. It was sweet. It was calm. I didn't have to worry about someone dying. It was normal.

I excused myself at some point to get something out of the jeep, before I heard voices off to the side of the jeep. I paused, listening in.

"...Ye should've let me take the bairns excavating! Instead you cancel a rip-roaring adventure and exchange it for some trip out to the country?"

"Don't you dare take this from me!" Uncle Donald quacked angrily. "You've taken all of these experiences from me, you will not take over this! This is our trip!"

"Uh... guys?" I asked, making my presence known. "...What's going on?"

"Nothing-" Scrooge began.

"A disagreement," Donald turned to me, interrupting Scrooge. I looked between the both of them, before speaking up again. Scrooge looked embarrassed. Uncle Donald just looked tired.

"Can we keep it to a minimum, then?" I pleaded. "I know you both have had your differences, but maybe try to lighten up?" I offered, trying to ease the tension. "We're going to the farm, so let's just relax for a bit, okay?" They both averted their eyes. "Let's just enjoy the weekend, and go from there."

The kids came out of the restaurant and the adults regained their composure. Donald got back in the car, and Scrooge made sure we paid for food.

We got back on the road, and the kids put their music back on. I decided to lay back down and put my headphones in.

I really hope this weekend doesn't turn out to be a bust.


Hour 8. I think.

I jolted awake. Nightmare. They had been getting a bit better, but still happened. This one wasn't about... her, surprisingly. I was stuck back in St. Canard again, it felt like I was drowning. Or I was, I suppose. I tried to grab towards my captor, but his strong hands wrapped around my neck, forcing me under the water. Matthew, the handsy Hawk. I hated this dream. He was enjoying it too much, and then I woke myself up, almost gasping for air. I steadied myself, taking a deep breath.

It was dark, so it had to be at least an hour after we left the diner. All the kids were asleep, laying on their respective seat partners. I smiled at the sight.

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