2 | A Great Disappointment

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A mischievous grin tugged at Derek's lips before he croaked out a laugh.

"What's so funny?" she said grimly.

Nothing," he grinned his hazel-green eyes twinkling playfully." I was just thinking how sexy you look when you get all on your high horse about something."

"I'm not getting on my high horse," she stammered, furrowing her brows at him. "I just don't want you to do something that you could regret at a later stage."

Melissa was convinced Derek would storm off in a huff and not talk to her for the rest of the day, but instead, he moved towards her and positioned his hand over her shoulder. His eyes held Melissa whole in an instant, the second he looked down at her.

" I was thinking after my interview, why don't we have a movie night and stay up all night, before one of us, falls asleep," he said." Just no horrors, I think you need to lay off the scary movies for a while. "

The way he said that made her feel as though nothing could have stood in their way of happiness. As if today, could quite possibly have been everything, she hoped for and more.

"I'd love to," she smiled at him thinking how it had been ages, where it was just the two of them. She noticed how badly Derek needed a haircut, but she didn't want to make a point of it.

If she was being honest with herself she kinda liked it. The way his raven black hair hung slightly over his forehead made him look boyish and a lot younger than his years of thirty-five.

"You know you never did tell me what happened that night?" she asked him, her eyes intensely searching Derek's face.

It had been bugging the hell out of Melissa since that night. But every time she tried to try to get it out of him, he would deviate from the conversation, just like she expected he would do now.

" What happened when you knocked that woman off the road. Why did she attack us like that, did you know her?"

Derek blinked for a second after she said that and began to excessively fiddle with his tie again.

"I have no idea who that woman was; never seen in her my life," he said, with a playful grin, that she considered to be an indisputable omen of him breaking out in a bad joke at any minute.

" A horrible case of bath salts mixed with Tylenol and a serious case of bitches be crazy syndrome, maybe?"

"Seriously, Derek?"

"I'm joking," Derek laughed, directing his attention towards something at the window, as he stared endlessly into space out of it again as it were the most fascinating thing in the world.

She had noticed he had been doing that a lot lately. " I guess she was just some crazy woman that got me confused with someone else. I just really pity the poor bastard when she does get hold of him."

"You know what's even crazier?" Melissa pointed out.

"Hmm, I don't know that he didn't run for the hills sooner?" Derek said taunting with the notion that he could pass this off for as long as possible.

"I'm being serious, Derek, just listen to me and hear me out would you." She was beside herself and just wanted to get her point across before he left. But Derek had always been so stubborn.

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