Player's Revenge

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The Porsche screeched to a stop as my chauffeur hurried to open the car door. My stiletto boots sounded as I stood out of the car and took off my Gucci sunglasses. I took in the sight of my new house for 2 years. It wasn’t that bad. Sure, it was not as good as our old house nor is it as grand as the one in Paris but it was not that shabby.

One of the new maids my parent recruited showed the way to the entrance of the house as the new butler opened the door. I walked into the new house and looked around.

“ANNA! You’re back!” I heard a deafening scream.

I scrunched up my nose at that loud noise. I glanced around and was suddenly enveloped into a huge embrace. The person totally pounced onto me as I grabbed on to the handle of my Chanel luggage for support. I looked up to see who this maniac was. It was Tilly, my old personal maid!

I started screeching like the mad person she was as we hugged and jumped around. It’s no point trying to put up my snobbish pretense in front of Tilly, she’ll probably find out sooner or later.

“Where’s my room?” I whispered to her, still in an embrace, “I think it will be better for us to catch up there.” The others were staring at us with their mouth gaped open.

She nodded and patted her clothes and hair down neatly while I did the same and pointed up the stairs. I signaled to the butler to follow me as he was holding my other luggage. Hey! At least I was considerate enough to hold one myself.

My room was beautiful, the interior designer really outdid himself this time. It was just the way I would have chosen it. A beautiful princess bed at the center which looked soft to touch. A walk in wardrobe near it and a lovely antique looking dressing mirror right beside.  Not to mention, the grand piano at the side and a glass door which leads to the balcony where a table and chairs stood. There was a lovely couch too along with a large plasma television. And the best part? It was all pink and white themed. Perfect!

I asked the butler to place my luggages near the wardrobe and pulled Tilly out to the balcony where we could have some privacy.

“Where did you suddenly go?” exclaimed Tilly, her eyes filled with worry.

“Well…” I stumbled, remembering what exactly happened a year ago, “Daddy was persuading me to move to Paris and I finally agreed.”

“Did it have anything to do with, you know, him?”

I nodded my head and looked away. It’s been such a long time, I wonder how he was doing now. I silently cursed that he’ll be an unpopular loser now. I mean, it is possible right?

We sat in silence, looking at the scenery ahead of us. One of the new maids scurried in once to serve us some tea before she backed away quickly. I ought to find out their names soon instead of calling each and every one of them ‘one of the maids’.

“I’m glad you are back” Tilly smiled at me as she broke the comfortable silence.

“I sure hope I’ll be glad too,” I laughed.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she tilted her head to the side as beckoning me to explain further. I chuckled softly at her reaction and told her animatedly about my ultimate ‘plan’. I was growing excited as I spoke, there’s school tomorrow and then, I’ll be able to see the success of my plan. I cannot go wrong, can I? I have been planning this for over a year!

We talked on and on about other topics and before we knew it, the stars and moon came out.

“Princess, you ought to get some sleep if you want to be beautiful for your plan,” she sighed, shaking her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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