last call (y/n version part one)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, it is. Just give him time like we gave you. You came around and so will he." Sam walked over to you, kissing you on the forehead.

"Okay, yeah." You uneasily mumble, seeing Sam and Eileen feed each other breakfast, getting a sense you weren't wanted there, so you decided to head into the library to read some spells just for the hell of it.

Liking the peace and quiet, it gets ruined by Sam and Eileen, giggling as they join you with the reading.

"My brain is just, like, melting." Eileen complained once she opened the book. You shot her a weird look. Suddenly, your wound tingled again, having you wince in silence.

"Y/N, hey." Sam snapped out of eyeballing Eileen and placed his hand gently on your other shoulder.

"I'm good, fine. Just keep reading." You assured Sam. Sam nodded unsurely, glancing over at Eileen.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, really I am." You assured him again, not having both of them believe you.

As the front door to the bunker opens, you glanced up, revealing Cas who looked in disarray.

"Cas." You whispered.

"Sam." Cas grabbed Sams attention as Sam was just staring at your shoulder.

"Cas? Wh... What in the world, man? Where have you been? I-I've been calling you and texting..."

"I know. I was... Well, it doesn't matter. I'm here now. I'm ready to help." Cas nods, glancing over at you, awkwardly.

"Hi." Eileen mumbled.

"Yeah, uh, Cas, this is Eileen Leahy. Eileen, this is Cas." Sam introduces.

Cas gives her a confused and concerned look.

"I thought you were..."

"Dead? Yeah, I got better." She smiled happily.

"Uh, one-time thing." Sam chuckled lightly.

"Well, where's Dean?" Castiel asked.

"He went for a drive. He needed to clear his head. So we've been looking for signs of Chuck and Lilith." You answered him, not being able to catch a look of him.

"Lilith?" Cas questioned, puzzled.

"Yeah, uh, she's back." Sam informed.

"Have you found them?" Cas asked.

"Not yet." You add.

"It's because you're looking in the wrong places." Cas mentioned, staring straight.

"What do you mean? Have you heard something on angel radio, or..."

"No, no. It's been silent for months. But your wound... it's still not healed?" Cas turned to you, worryingly.

"No." You simply shook your head.

"Good. I've been thinking about that gun, the, uh... the Equalizer? When you shot God, it fired a piece of your soul." Cas explained.

"Okay." You nod, confused but hearing information you needed to hear.

"So there may be some of you inside Chuck." Cas explained more in depth.

"Ew." Eileen grimaced.

"Cas, are you sure about this?" You questioned, unsurely.

"No, but I am sure I can't heal the wound. Maybe I can probe it." Cas shoots Sam and Eileen a look of worry.

"Probe it?" You questioned in a anxious tone.

"Study it, see if it can lead us to Chuck." Cas elaborated.

"Is that dangerous?" Sam asked.

"Probably." Cas sighed.

"All right. Let's do it." You nodded in assurance to Cas and Sam.


"I'll be fine. I'm ready." You shot Cas a sophisticated look to do it. You unbuttoned the flannel and pulled it down, revealing the wound. Eileen winced, studying the wound.

"This is gonna sting." Cas warned.

Cas holds out a glowing hand and probes the wound on your shoulder. They both struggle to endure it, having you get flashbacks of you hurting Sam and Dean. You grumbled as Cas was attempting to probe it.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Cas questioned in a loud tone.

"Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just, uh..." You winced again, seeing a bright light flash, and sends you flying back against the wall as Cas reels. You falls back to the bed, unconscious. Everything to you went black, not being able to awake.

Y/N Winchester Imagines Where stories live. Discover now